

Always be kind to people
A young man was sitting at the entrance of his house during the hottest part of the day. when he saw the three old men was passing through his compound. as soon as he saw the men, he ran out to meet them. bowing down with his face down ward. he said,'' sirs, I know you must be tired and the same time hungry. if you don't mind, take a sit and have a rest. let me get you water to watch your feet, while I go inside and prepare something for you to eat, that will give you strength to continue your journey. then the old men accepted the offer.
after they have done eating, and about to leave. one of them called the young man,. and said. my son, on behalf of my friends and I. will are very grateful for your generosity. you do not know us, but decided to help people you don't even no. by the way, what do you do for a living. nothing father, the young man answered. ever since i have lost my job. have be feeding from hand to mouth. don't worry my son you have found favored in the side of God. from today hence forth. your suffering is finished.
Audience, to end the story. the man secured a good job with accommodation and a brand new car for the young man. this is how the life of that young man was transformed.
I tell you today, you can as well do the same. always kind to people. most especially, people you don't know.

The Author: Brother fidelis ogaga.