

Endless dreams
It was a stormy night. Alone in a dark, fog-filled alley, a scared little girl squeezing her teddy bear slowly looked around for anything hiding in the rusty dumpsters throughout the alley. A loud crash occured from behind her, more startling than the thunderbooms up above. She quickly looked behind her, and whimpered, "H-hello?" A black figure continuously stumbled over the trash bags behind the bins as she stood and stared. She squinted her eyes for a better look, and saw two yellow, gleaming eyes. She backed against the brick wall, crouching with her head tucked, waiting for what she thought, the worst. But instead of "the worst," a young-aged black cat gracefully walked over her, sniffing around her for inspection. The little girl peeked out of her arms, instantly smiling when she felt the relief of knowing she wouldn't be on her strange journey alone. The black cat seemed to sense her previous fear, and purred in delight of her presence. The Little girl spoke out of the slight bravery she gained, and said,"My name is Edeth, and I'll call you,....Tiger!" Tiger meowed and purred in approval. "Do you know how to get out?" How did you get here?" said Edeth. The cat walked over and got onto the dumpster, continuously demonstrating trying and failing to jump on top of the brick wall, making the indication that the brick wall was too high for even a cat to jump onto. There were parts of the wall that were shorter further on, but there was no way a young cat and a five-year-old could move a full, five-foot dumpster. "I don't know how I got here."said Edeth as Tiger meowed in agreement. There was another rattle in the trash can. Tiger excitedly pranced over to it, while Edeth stared in confusion. Tiger leaped behind the pile of trash bags and walked back over with a rat in his mouth. He dropped it in front of Edeth awating praise. She petted Tiger and gave a signal to Tiger that he could eat it. Edeth didn't feel hungry. She didn't know what to feel. Questions were going around in her head asking, How did I get here? How long does this alley go? How do i get out? And scariest one, How will I survive? As Tiger ate, Edeth sat in thought to try to spark some idea up in her small head. As Edeth wandered her eyes, she noticed a broken off ladder on top of the roof next to the brick wall. Edeth looked around for something useful to get the ladder. Edeth was typically a smart girl for her age, and started Kindergarten at age 3. Smart as in, she learned to tie and untie at age 2. She also was in advanced classes, for most of her subjects. Though she played and acted like a regular 5 year old everywhere but school. And because of that, as her eye caught a rope around a trash bag, she knew how to untie it. She got up, and went over to the trash bag. Though she paused, while the trash bag seemed to shift shape. Tiger was frozen in gaze as well as Edeth. She continued to walk rather slowly, and quickly untied the rope. She was startled in shock of the fact that at least sixteen rats scurried out from all over. It was odd though, because it seemed like only two or three of the total ran out of the one bag that she untied. While all the rats ran in every direction, so was Tiger. This was like heaven for him as for it was a "yeaaah, lets not do that again" thing to Edeth. She tried to act like nothing happened even though in the corner of her eye she saw that Tiger caught at least 1/3 of the rat bunch. Edeth carefully climbed the Dumpster and tried to throw part of the rope into the ladder so she could pull it down. She missed to catch the other end, and it hit her eye. One of Edeth's hands was holding a beam on the wall to keep her from falling, while the other was holding the end of the rope. One second after the rope hit her eye, both hands went to her face, causing the ladder to hit her and she fell. Everything went black. Not too long after, Tiger was talking! Now I know what you might be thinking, but no, it wasn't in her head. Edeth tried to sit up, and surprisingly, she felt fine. "Edeth, Edeth are you okay?" said Tiger as Edeth sat in shock. "You,---you can talk?" she said. "Well yes that is one of my features." said Tiger. "Listen Edeth this is just a dream." "It can't be---but didn't I just---" said Edeth. "No you did not feel any pain you were just in shock when you fell." said Tiger calmly." "You are stuck in a dream and I know how you can get out." "B--but I would never see you again." said Edeth sadly. "Oh I don't think I will be long gone..." said Tiger as Edeth smiled. "So here's how you can get out---you need yell, and call out for help." "It will tell your brain that you need to wake up." said Tiger as Edeth started to understand. She started to yell. "HEEEELLLLP!!!!!!!!" "HEEEEEELLLP GET ME OUT OF THIS DREAM!!!!!!!!!" Once again, things went black. Edeth woke up in her bed, in her room, in her house. "I did it, I did it!!!!" said Edeth excitedly. "Over her excitement, she remembered something that she has forgotten the entire time. It was Christmas! She looked outside and it was nearly sunrise behind all of the snow covering their yard. Edeth ran to the living room to be sure, and it was filled with presents, lights, and glittering ornaments on the Christmas tree. Plus the warm smell of fresh bacon, eggs, and pancakes from the kitchen. Edeth's parents knew that she could never wait to open presents after she woke up, so they all went over to the living room with their breakfast, while Edeth was scavenging away at the presents, finding the biggest for first. The first one she went to was a big, red present with gold ribbon. The odd thing about it, is that it had holes in it. She quickly opened it, and she couldn't believe her eyes. A black young cat was laying in the box, meowing excitedly as Edeth picked him up, and danced around. She couldn't stop saying thank you to her parents, as well as she couldn't stop dancing with the cat. Or should I say...Tiger
© DaQueen4all