

World:Freelancer's Group(Fictional to be False)
If I were a member of a world's largest Freelancer's group & I get a chance to make any change in that group then I would like to choose those member who is ready to perform following Tasks:

1. If any honest gender(He/She)who is very important for a well recognize designation in any sector and because of his old age or any other valid physical reason he is not able to serve, in this situation I will like to invite all the member of the group to lend 30-40% of his energy(How? just imagine)respectively as per requirement for a specific time segment, by keeping in mind lender is out of any danger.

2. If a person is going to attend/perform/appear any meeting/show/exam and due to any honest reason his health is not good at the scheduled day in that situation too Freelancer can do well.

3.At Next level not only physical energy but also mental energy can be offered.

#Here assuming all the event is happening under a surveillance of honest judge to maintain good transparency and justice.

#Any daredevils can participate in this for few hours/day/month as per their own situation.

#The participants will get honestly rewarded by the end consumer.

#During holidays even student can participate in this.

Thanks for reading.. (Virtual yet somehow possible)

© ucamit