

Welcome to high school--Chapter 8
Chapter 8- So she's really my sister

Harley’s pov

“Ahhh my head.” I screamed in pain.

Suddenly I saw Junior coming in with a glass of water and a weird drug. I looked around the room I was in and figured out that it wasn't my room. I was terrified and confused at the same time.

“Where am I? And whose clothes am I in? Ahhh! Maybe asking the questions in one breath wasn't a good idea. Junior didn't even answer me.

“Here take this glass of water. And here you go, aspirin. The pain is a little overboard because this is your first hangover.” He said that without looking at me. Before I could say anything, I heard a feminine voice call his name. “Junior! Please come here.”She cried out.

“Coming!” He said in his British accent. He looked at me for the first time that day. His eyes were asking me if he could go. So I just nodded in agreement.

Junior’s pov

I rushed downstairs to find her. I heavily sighed when I saw her in the kitchen.

“What will she love to have for breakfast. Let me tell the steward to cook something.” She said but her 50% attention was on her phone.

“Uncle just cook what I like.” I gave him an assuring smile. Even thought he is a worker, I still like to call him uncle.

“Junior I want to tell you something.” She said as she walked out of the kitchen telling me to follow her.

“Dear you have your doubts that she is your sister, right?” She sat on the couch nearest to her and I sat beside her. “Yes aunt, I do. Because there is no DNA test or prove that we are siblings.” I said looking down.

“Well let me clear them all. Like I told you years ago I went to the hospital because I had acute maleria.” She said to me.

“In the reception, I saw little you on there. And I saw that you were in pain. You were too tensed to take this in when you came yesterday.Sorry I didn't tell you this.

“ Please don't leave me alone.” Harley was crying terribly.

“I would never leave you alone.” He held her hands tight.

“It's just maleria.”

“Mommy look they have taken my brother away from me.”

“Aunt why didn't you tell me this before. You recognized Harley when you saw her. I didn't really recognize her because I was only 5.” I said to her after hearing the truth. The truth startled me. I knew that there was something about Harley when I first met her. Who else in the world would put pickles in every single food and not think it's gross. Of course my sister.”

“Food’s ready madam.” He said carrying a plate of spaghetti and of course with pickles. He handed it over to me and I went upstairs immediately to give her the food.

“Have you taken the aspirin?” I asked her when I saw her caressing her head with her hands.

“Where am I?” She answered my question with a question, great.

“You are at my aunt’s house.” I said kind of forcing the food into her mouth.

“And what happened last night?” She said shoving an heap of food into her mouth.

I narrated everything to her, from the time their were harassing her to when I took her home. “How could Henry do this to me? The last thing I remember was that he gave me fruit juice and then.” She held her head with her right hand in pain.

“Henry is a person I don't know very well. But James?” I said in confusion and disappointment.

“Junior is a terrible person. I thought he was only a bully but he is also a flirt too. Oh I had a dream of you and a very pretty girl together and of course it wasn't Regina.” She said rolling her eyeballs.

“It wasn't a dream.” I gave her a wide grin and laid her down to rest some more.

My day was one the best. First I find out that Harley is my sister then I have a whole day of fun with Lizzy. We played different kind of video games, even though she beat me multiple times, I still enjoyed her company. We also drew a lot of images and even watched a romance movie.

“Harley Harley!” A familiar voice cried out. Is that Harley’s…no my mom’s voice.

“Mom what are you doing here. You said Harley could stay with me till evening.” I asked her. She didn't even answer me. “I don't know why you are calling me mom, but it's weird.” She said and went upstairs.

“Harley! Harley!” She kept crying out her name as if she was a missing child.

I quickly ran upstairs to check out what she was doing there.

“Maggie!” My mom said staring at my aunt.

“Vivian!” She replied.

“Do you too know each other?” They still didn't answer me. Mom just went to where Harley was staying, the first room left opened in the hallway.

“What are you doing here mom?” Harley said as she widened her eyes in shock. “Whose clothes are you in?” Mom said inspecting the room.

“In junior’s. Don't worry aunt Maggie changed my clothes not him.” She briefly looked at me. She focused on her mom when she saw that even I was petrified.

“Junior I trusted you with my daughter.” She broke the silence.

Lizzy walked in and she didn't look as good as I did. “Harley…” She wanted to show something to Harley and I but mom cut her off.

“Don't worry I’ll show her.” She didn't even smile at her.

She brought out her tablet and screamed. I'm sure that the whole neighborhood heard. “Harley you are the talk of the town. These boys were caressing your body and one was kissing you. What if you are even pregnant.” She said looking as angry as ever.

“I can't be pregnant mom. Why? Because Junior saved me.” Harley said to smiling and staring at me.

She just dragged Harley out of the room and then the house.

Monday Morning:Henry’s pov

“Harley! Wait!” I cried out as I walked out of the car.” Please leave me alone Henry. Don't make me do something I want to do.” Harley tried to walk out on me but I gripped her hand.

“Like what? Kiss me right?” I thought it would make the situation but it just made her more mad. “What you did is terrible and you are still proud of it. Look Henry my reputation in this city had been tarnished all because of you. My mom lost her job because everyone that she is also immoral. You even made it to look like I posted it. Cunning.” She started to cry. Harley, she isn't just one random girl, she is a special girl who stole my heart.

During class, I saw her, I was dazed. If not for Mr. Benson we would have stared at her forever. Infact I am guilty of stalking her on Instagram. I would be the first one to view her posts. But I also found out that she isn't a girl that would really accept me. And stupid James came and gave me the plan.

“How could you do this to me. You said that I would enjoy myself. And nothing would happen to Harley.” I said as soon as I saw James.

“Oh God. Did you think you were not really an object in my plan. Once I figured out that Junior cares for that girl, I knew she was next in line for trouble.”

“Why are you doing this?”

“Junior! Junior! Everyone calls him the popular and also straight a student. He's perfect just perfect. All the girls want him but not me.”
© Dairo