

"A strong will-power always wins over an ego."
A wet leaf fell on her shoulder making her jump in fear. Startled she shifted from her hiding place behind the bush, the darker night and petrifying voices coming from far-off site,completely made her engulfed in a sense of agitation, her panic eyes were looking for help but unfortunately, she was helpless ,as there was no one around to whom she could have sought for an aid all she had an option is to recouped herself with a doze of courage and bravery after some point of time, she however managed to gather some sense of pluck, uplifted herself took a deep breath but as she did so ... un-known frightening shadow like structure completely covered her this penumbra was a scary figure, with a long nails, big sharpen teeth, fire like red eyes along with a bulky and heavy scattered hairs !
When she saw , that this strange umbra figure was just approaching closer to her she ,instead of loosing her braveness, decided to faced it all with an un-destructible confidence and vigor .

Devika-"Hey, you ... monster ...stop !"
"Don't you, bother to come near me _"
"Because, if you, then you see ...!,what will I do to you _!"

A spine-chilling figure when heard these words ,stop approaching towards her at once and started to laughed aloud as vigorously as he could and said _

Monster-"hahahaha ...! you, little Young fragile lady ! what you think ,that you will be able to do me a harm ?"

Monster, spoke in a loud voice _

Monster-"Don't you forget ... that you are as breakable as a glass and I am as shatterproof as a mountain really hard to defeat ."

"Ohh!, that a point ...but don't you forget ,that a strong-will
power can defeat even a hard glass transparent like pinnacle too, devika said while she was laughing aloud again."

Now, that the devil started loosing his temper assaulted on devika but, she _(devika)_ stand steadily as she could and didn't loosed hope till the end of the battle.

Monster-"You , lady! threatened me ...now you see, what will I do to you !"

Monster tightly stifle her throat and devika streamed and tried hard and hard to put him off from attacking her but that wretch put all his energy to kill her in a mean-while devika came up with an idea, what she did it is an act of a fake death she show him that now , she was died and he was successful in his mission of killing her ...!

Monster-"hahahaha !"
"Finally ...I won a battle ...I killed her ...laughing aloud turning and looking high in the sky ....!"

Devika-"Wake up at once silently and as he turned towards her, she immediately show him a fire very closed to his face and as, she did it the shadow at once loosed its existence and disappeared ...and after it she felt a sigh of relief ... !"

At last ...after a much of struggle, who won is a will-power ....and who got defeated is an ego ...!
_( The Morale of this story )_

© Dev1996bu.