

Cute Neighbour
She was tall,medium built up, height 6', weight 65 to 70, pretty woman. She came and built up her house near my home. We had a small tiff in the first meeting. She wore stylish clothes and had expensive jewellery. I thought she was educated , must have had a college degree, I pondered.
The house got built up in a year and she came and started living there. I enquired about her, someone told me that her husband lived abroad and make furniture.
I had to go Patna for a case. I came and it took me more than six months to complete the task. After the job was done I went back to my village.
I felt a difference, lush greenery spread all around, a quite place, birds chirping, and a cold breeze blooming from my window.
A month has passed. I packed myself inside a room.My time passed quickly with smoking ciggerates, planning all day and night , how to crack this code (reffering to my job). After a month , I was about to Crack the code, but still it was very far .
One day at 10.30 pm , I stepped out of my room in despair as how to Crack the code. My mind was still on the code but I saw a man in dim street light, long and muscular, bold and dangerous, moving slightly in the street . He had covered his face. I freezed there and I wanted to see him. He came hurriedly, knocked the door of my neighbour, hardly 5 second had passed, she opened the door and the man was inside.
From the other end of the street I saw a boy in 20s came wandering and guarding him. He stopped near my house. Looked inside my eyes, I looked too inside his eyes. He moved his hand on the backside to pull the gun,I pondered. He was not in haste , came close to my house as if he wanted to say me "go inside" , poor kid, Perhaps he had not listened about me I thought. Again came from other end of my house, and halted and looked at my eyes again.

I was not able to sleep whole night. Not because of the boy who carried a gun on his back but for the lady. Her husband is earning in abroad to run his household expenses. And this lady is busy in forth and back. Earlier I was thinking how this lady can live a year without her husband. Salute! this is a brave lady. Brave lady! My foot . She is a whore and nothing else.

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