

Waiting for some important phenomenon, to happen. Constantly staring at his smartphone, it's sharp 3'o clock in the morning.
Chatting through, he opened the door, next to his room. Standing in his balcony, he looked around. Lonely roads, streets which used to have friendship with the foots, were also alone. A cool breeze made the leaves to fall on to the ground, indicating them to stay away from its branches. He ignored his surroundings, thinking that this doesn't direct anything, he got busy in his cell'.
Something just happened, that made him halcyon. With rigorous speed, he opened his dial pad, typed something. For a while he stopped, took a deep breath..."Tick".
Within a second, a beautiful voice came from his smartphone,"Hello!?". He became conscious, answered "He..Hey!?".
From that awkward greeting, to sharing even silly things, the conversation shaped in an alluring manner. Suddenly, he noticed a street dog, which used to have company of a fellow dog, sleeping alone down the streetlight. Without even bothering, he continued his conversation.
Till date, he still remembers every single line, every word, which they shared with each other. It was his last conversation, everything actually happened in a hurry, that they didn't even bothered to look at.
In a flash, clock rings..it's 3:15 Am in the morning. Remembering these beautiful memories, he know understood, what the surroundings were trying to direct at that time.
He jumped to his table, opened his notepad and started writing....
