

They say love is science, well.. That has been proved, I say, love is a miracle. Because, "Do you know how hard it is to find your better half, well I can't refuse I don't have much expirience, but, I have seen people in search for their better half," It takes forever"They say, and I have witnessed and experienced a "love miracle". Now I have a story to tell, more like a theory proved true.
👉A boy, called Martin, this time, he was twelve years old. Already, seen the dark side of life. His parents don't really like him, because of, "corruption" They like his brother instead...This made him sad through, he never expected this kind of parents, and pain. He wondered if they ever see his pain in heart. His life started of missarable; no friends, bored, never laughs, always doing his stuff but, he never exells in exams, in fact, it pains more, he always at the bottom of the list. His brother was behind him in terms of class. Two years passed, Martin became a candidate, which was horrible, since, he did not even realized it. For him, everyday was same. Because, even as a candidate, he would come home and her mother would start on him, all the bad thing he did, say like "Coming late because candidates remain for some time after home bell, to revise" Then this would always end bad for Martin since he got tired of defending himself...
~At last, he did the exam, parents were soo happy, he was, obviously normal, the old Martin ways. Soon they realized he did horrible. Martin was soo embarrassed, sad. He felt like all the world's weight is on him. Martin cried alone as usual. His parents didn't care, they blamed him and the school. A new year brought a second chance for him, a new school, boarding, his mother was tired of seeing him, Martin didn't care, he was going to put all his efforts in excelling. The first days and already in trouble with a teacher, he was sick and forgot finishing his homework, the teacher did not believe him, Martin cried, and soon walked out to the officials office. Although, one person cared, a girl, Charstine, but she could help even if she wanted...
© mathiasjunior