

love not understood
have you ever had anyone out to get you and RIP you into little pieces.
things that meant something to you they destroy in a matter of 2 sec and are so dam dumb he doesn't get it.....

Christmas I won a little bit of money so I went out Christmas shopping I know he doesn't shop expect for there Christmas party at his mom's house up until she passed away .

so I made it easy on him a gift certificate from a nail place there's one right around the corner
easy right no he didn't do anything
valentine's day , same thing nothing
my birthday , some money and motel
but never made it my day he brought his friends where we were they had attitude towards me great.
Happy Birthday to me .
and last but not least Mothers Day he stayed in bed all day I put make up on tryed to get kinda dressed up he said nothing he didn't get out of bed except to complain or augure with me .
he likes to tell me how messed up I am and gets an attitude if he trips over anything in his way but won't lift a finger to help just complain and tell me how I'm all bad...ok this man is over weight not good looking negative and loud and rude, all and all not a nice person.
I've even noticed he likes to do things for people that he knows will make someone else mad like his kids there's no equality he try's to get them to fight and thinks it funny .
he very spiteful he has money and buys everyone and every thing .
so nothing makes him happy and Nothing I mean Nothing we have ever done is special to him .
we went to montana it's been a very long time since I've been there so I was happy and excited and tryed to share what I knew about the woods town but it was winter there so we could not do much we were going to wait till it warmed up .well he had to go talk to his kid and I said something it started a fight .
he left, so I did to I went to my storage and worked on it .
it even rained on me .
he went to his kids and to go see his friends at a motel somewhere and some one broke into his truck and stole his coin collection remember I'm busy at my storage .
he blames me for it so he has an excuse for doing what ever it is he was up to .
this is how wrong this guy is ...
he has left and not came back at all and is telling people I broke in to his truck
and won't talk to me .
I saw the pictures that the camera took and it looks like this old blond lady and its it's a mussel car he's blaming everyone I know instead of trying to fuigure out who did it .
now we went to my home town he wanted to move there .
I'm not to thrilled about it but I figured it could work and was willing to do this .
but everything blew up .
we were going to take his son to montana need less to say .
he has not talk to me he has left town and he has gone to my home town .
there's a knife in my heart .
he never asked me were I was or came back made up excuses for his lack of care or understanding .
he thinks I'm going to sit at home and wait for him .
he thinks he can walk on me and I'll take it .
WRONG I got busy to forget what he said to me that was going to do .
how do you care for someone that doesn't care about you ... He's pure EVIL