

political evolution ;last days of primitive rule. Article one
Politics is said to be an old religion well positioned in human cultures.over the years it has taken vast course tending towards it development,reform and modifications . However,one thing that remained unchanged was it kin affiliation with power and active authority.This among others could be the utmost reasons behind modern political pursuit.

Traditionally,it was a quest to securing followers lives and will , leading chariots to victory as well . then,the key to a successful reign was embedded in comparatively calling out battles won,Cases settled and numerous citizens inclined issues .

In Africa,Europe ,Asia and in most other part of world; Power was institute,central and autonomous. electoral activity if any existed was crude , practically informal and often consented with Oracles and Nobles(a few opportunistic individuals).

Unfortunately,time changes . Non-inclusive elections, inert voices of citizens ,Strict laws and zero condonement of noncompliance among several other viable factors, had called for ,and let to the transition of traditional politics into the evolution of modern politics.The transition era was presumably ignited by exposure of locals to neocultures of other territories far and beyond as it was documented during colonial era .

It is beyond doubt ,that modern politics had invented,strategically state-friendly governance which circumvents most of the failures of it predecessor .It has inculcate freedom of living above the baseline and device means of citizens involvement in Governance.

thanks for reading.to be continued, please stay tuned!

© I.J