

PENNYS (cont.)
Pennys ( cont.)

My camera on my cellphone does such an adequate job, so far as it goes, with checking coins out that there's no need to use any other kind of magnifier.
A loop is a term for a hand held magnifying monoccular glass. Ive got a pair of spectacles (glasses) that have magnifiers which are two parts of an electronic microscope (eye appropriate) which slide along the frame and are accompanied with two independent LCD lights. The set of light loops are, in themselves, one of the most amazing things I've ever owned, when it comes to looking closely at coins. There is only one problem with using them, they show only one magnification and its more trouble using them in clearly making a relevent determination towards making a judgment call towards the validity of a coin.

My galaxy 10s phone's camera will magnify to more than what is needed, and i can look at the picture of the coin's features on every square micro-inch all over it, whenever needed. You know, since its a photo of it.

The difference between a photo and a picture is that a photo is a picture of an action or of an intended action. A picture is like a noun. This is what was taught to me in my 9th grade photography class.

I used the word photo because;

I was busy taking pictures on my bed using the available bedroom light source along with a flashlight, when i observed something strange. At first, I just thought it was my eyes playing tricks on me, but after rubbing my eyes and looking again, towards the middle of the penny, right at lincoln's head, a protrusion was forming and was moving outward like something was trying to get out of the penny. It was like those scary scenes in movies which people were trying to come out through the walls.

After the initial shock, I climbed down off of the extra pillowtop mattress, that I bought, not as an addition to the normal box spring and 1(one) pillow top mattress (the normal type of bed combination), due to a case of a continuous lack of communication, as opposed to the miscommunication kind, which is usually only once in awhile, with which makes it an extra tall bed.
I walked away from this freak show that I was hoping to never have to deal with anymore in my life. I went into the living room where my girlfriend was and sat. While I sat there I was thinking to myself that i was getting way too old for this crap

My girlfriend seemed usually uninterested in whatever that it was that was going on with me, so i didn't bother with laying it out. But sometimes when I did get her attention, I didn't need to hear her annoying bit of condescending words about me bothering her in what she was doing, or of listening to her hypothesis of a thing with simply hearing my description of it, so I went back into the bedroom, hoping it was merely a sleep deprived mirage because of my girlfriend not willing to change her sleeping habits after she finally got an apartment. She would sleep sitting up in her truck I gave her, scared of sleeping in it at night all alone. So now, I'm having problems sleeping at night, because she's up all night.
We've been an off and on couple for many years now. My house was sold, so I was sleeping in my truck for awhile as well, but my girfriend and me were one of those many breaks then. Now we're back together and I'm staying with her in her apartment. Its about time that it became her turn to provide the place for us to be together in. Maybe i'll get around to writing about the time of being homeless, but the story won't have any crazy, spooky, or bizarre happenings in it. So whatever. It is what it is.
My girlfriend has only one thing she insisted that I add to this; That there are always two sides of a story. I dont keep anything from her. I then, rebuttled, "Not in writing one", under my breath.

I climbed back up onto the bed slowly and carefully without too much disturbance so the coins wouldn't move too much. As I began focusing the camera on the same penny, the same scary whatever it was, kept doing the same thing, trying to push its way out of lincoln's head out of that penny.

I began to take photos, but when i stopped, and looked, the pictures were blurred. Probably due to my hands shaking. The same thing happened when I tried taking videos, but they came out even worse than the still frame shots.

It was the next day, or night, not too sure, when i tried it again with some of my 1969s pennys to see if I could find a DDO within my 40 plus 69s. I have more already stapled in their cardboard protective sleeves with plastic viewing windows, which brings them to a total amount of around 60ish strong. I had stapled them into their sleeves quite awhile before knowing the truth of the true nature of whether or not these were true DDO's
It almost seems like a conspiracy theory with this. If they were DDO's, then every one that has been brought forth out into the light of day would be considered a blemish on the sanctity of the so called, 'real ddo's', and would bring the value of that particular coin plundering downwards to the no longer such a rare coin type anymore, thereby, causing such an aggravated assault on every single coin dealership and individual collector that owns one. It would lower the value tremendously if even half of them were considered as DDO's. But wouldnt affect the ones that were showing extreme doubling, which numbers around 30. I think someone did it purposefully, that worked at the place they produced the pennys, myself. There i go with the conspiracy theories again. Nevermind.

Every penny I tried to get a picture of showed some sort of something of an apparition. Some were just like the first one I noticed, yet it seemed as if each one was totally different looking from one another. Some of the pennys didn't protrude outwards and only showed an ugly, scary view of a lnasty, ugly--" mean looking demons moving around inside of the coin as if they didn't have the power to push the copper outwards. And then i saw one penny that, whatever it was, did something remarkable. It was causing the very edge of the coin to fly outwardly in a slice of a thin pointy knife-like eighth of an inch to a quarter of an inch piece of copper. It would go out and away from the penny, then back in to reconnect with that part of the edge it started from.
There was only one coin that I saw had done that. It was like pointy arms flailing about and back into itself.
I took some of the coins out to my truck before we were heading out to the store one day. I knew I had time before my girlfriend came out in order to place them on the flat center consol between the seats and try to get pictures of the coins without the interference from the demons or whatever they were. I call them that name cause there's really no other name that suites the menacing, ugly, faces that the things showed on the pennies, and cause they were causing such havoc with my attempt in getting good pictures of the pennys in order to see if i could find an error on them. I had placed neatly around thirty pennys on the console, but they were all showing their creatures and looking as if they were trying to do something different than the ones next to each other. After awhile I gave up. Did the same thing inside of the apartment on the living room table. I took pictures of the pennys, but not xactly the same thing happened. Just under the pennys, the table was glossy and I could see demon like creatures on or in the table.
Thats when I turned the camera on the walls and ceiling. There were creatures all over the place. They were small and large and just as scary looking as on the pennys.
I took pictures, and videos. Those pictures and videos showed clear perfect views of still photos of monsters. The videos were like still frame shots as far as any movements from the demons went, but taking them again showed that the creatures had moved from one spot to another but also would not move when looking at the video already taken.
After a few days, I decided to wipe down each penny that looked shiny enough of a keeper and put them into a container to be put in the protective sleeves for later. As I picked up each one and put it in a napkin, one by one the pennys turned pink, or reddish pink. It was insane. During this wiping of the pennys, while making sure my fingers didn't touch them, I felt some of them move like they were warping. It was so uncool, and so uncomfortable of a feeling, i had to stop wiping them every now and then. It brought such a weird feeling to my very soul, that I just wanted it to end. But then, i got ahold of the penny that its edge was slicing about in the air with those sharp knife-like protrusions. I felt those sharp entrails poke me over and over through the napkin, but it didnt pierce my skin, but DAMN!! THAT WAS UNNERVING!!

After I had taken around five thousand photos, pictures and videos of these pennys, I decided that enough was enough, so I sat my phone down. After awhile, I reached over to where I placed it, and picked the phone up, and then I quickly dropped it. The thing was really hot. I didnt have it on the charger. It still had almost half of a full charge, so why was it so hot?
That was it! That was enough to get them lil suckers out of my phone! It took a bit, but I deleted every single shot I took and I went into the trash where all the deleted pictures go to, and deleted them as well. After all were deleted, I put the phone down and went into the other room to tell my girlfriend about what had just happened, and then afterwards, i went to get my phone. I picked it up and it was cool, not hot anymore. What a relief that was. There were some still remaining in my texts to my brother that showed the little demons, but i wasn't too worried, so I deleted them later. THEY SAY THERES POWER IN NUMBERS, I believe it.