


I had a very weird dream this morning!
A beautiful woman was driving a bus down a street full of stones.
I was in it, you see and I think you were too, but we had no seatbelts on.
Don’t even ask me, I have no idea how we got in.

The woman sped down the stony street, unsmiling and obviously unaffected by the constant jerking and bumping around.
“Stop the bus!” I shouted, but your screams and the screams of the others in the bus drowned my voice.
I looked around in fear.
There was a man in the bus who wasn’t screaming like the rest of us.
He was walking around, begging the others for something.
I ignored him in panic and looked around.
By the door was a handsome man in a white suede jacket.

His eyes spoke of confidence and his hands rubbed against each other, yet , like to north poled magnets, they never touched.
Clutching a seat, I ambled towards the man. He should let me out.
“Sir, I…”
I stopped when I saw the tag on his shirt and on the door.
One word, DEÅTH.
“Divine” someone tapped me.
It was the beggar.
“What do you want? How do you even know my name!” I screamed at him.
He looked at me blankly, beautifully and then stretched his hand.

The bus bumped again, launching me forward. I grabbed his hand, peeking outside a little.
My eyes caught a signboard outside with the name of the street jagged on it, LIFE.
“Her name is NATURE” he said to me. “The lady driving the bus, and she is only doing her job”
“So the road doesn’t get any better?” He smiled and shook his head.
“Only for those who hold firm on to me. Our destination is different from the rest of the crowd.”
He was still holding my hand. Then I realised the bumping no longer affected me!
I wasn’t being tossed around anymore.

I watched everyone else as they ambled for help, when help was already begging them right here.
I wept.
“Come on, Divine” he said to me. “Let’s go tell them salvation is free!”
I turned and faced everyone in the bus and I screamed,
“Jesus Saves! Jesus Saves!”

That whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life…
JOHN 3:16

#english #story #christianity #Jesus #JesusSaves

© TheKingsSon