

Ghost In The Wood ☠️
Episode 04(The Chase🏃🏃💨)

(Hugo never believed Apollonia, until something drastic happened)

Apollonia was confused, she couldn't explain what the hell really happened in her room.

She was sitting all alone outside the house staying far away from Hugo, she was angry with him for not believing what she has said.

As she was reflecting on herself trying to calm down, then she saw a woman from a far distance playing with a little child in the midst of the forest.

She was so surprised to see such, she said within herself,"Wow! Ever since i came here i Haven't seen such as this, i think i should go meet them and play along."

Apollonia left without notifying Hugo, she was so happy and quickly walk to where the woman and the child were playing.

The more she keep coming closer, the woman and the child distance themselves. Apollonia said,"Hey, wait for me. I just want to be a friend."

She kept going closer until she got to a point where she could no longer see them again, all she could see is nothing but thick smoke that fill the atmosphere.

Her path became darken, she became scared and tried to find her way out of the place. She was wandering around the wood to see if she can return home,

Suddenly she felt a hand pulling her to a deep dark house, she began to scream but no one could hear her.

The family returned and meet Hugo watching TV, Shira dropped her bag and long for her room to rest. Marco and Faina went upstairs to their room while Ronan joined Hugo in watching TV.
(No one notice the absence of Apollonia)

Around 6pm

Faina came out of the room and asked Hugo,"Where is Apollonia? I haven't seen her."

Hugo,"I don't know, she should be outside or something."

Ronan,"What are you saying? You should know where she is."

Hugo,"She was angry when she left the house and went outside."

Shira,"Angry!? What happened?."

Hugo,"She was saying something about seeing a ghost or ghost inside her room so i just ignored her and before knowing she left the house."

Marco,"Someone should call her cellphone."

(Shira quickly pick up her phone from the table and call her number but it wasn't going through, They kept calling but it was going through).

They all decided to go out and look for her, Hugo and Faina stayed behind.

(Terror 👽 of the dark house)

Apollonia was stranded and held up in the room by an unseen force, she was helpless.
Suddenly the door of the room open up, she saw a knife moving on the air, coming towards her.

She said,"Who are you? Please don't kill me!!." As she was talking the knife cut her left hand, and gave her a deep injury.

Apollonia cried out, at this point she knew her life is over. The spirit holding the knife may itself visible, it appears to be a woman.

Apollonia seeing the face of the woman screamed, her voice was like that of a roaring lion.

Ronan who happens to be sensitive to the environment, heard the screamed and said to his dad,"Someone is screaming and it is coming from that direction."

Shira said,"Then let us go, it might be that Apollonia is in trouble!."

(They ran down to the place where Apollonia was but the only thing they could see is trees!!)

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© Samson Noah Ayodeji