

A Childhood Memory

I can never forget the joyous days of my childhood, especially the summer when all we did was swim in the river or lie on it's edge as we watch the skies unfold beneath the clouds while we held each other's hands in the sweet embrace of youth.
We, not having a care in the world and of what's to come next.
All that matters at that time, is of us looking forward to seeing each other again, to play with "the friend I've made in school" and I sometimes wonder if both of our parents purposefully allow both of us to meet each other always in order to build upon the soon-to-be relationship that will eventually lead us to where we are currently in now.
What a clever and smart move they made.
Or maybe they simply think of us as friends only, that we are simply just kids having fun with one another, letting both of us have that once-in-a-lifetime moment in childhood wherein we should simply enjoy life as a child, to not let the the world of the adults and the complex workings of life and it's reality worry us, giving us the chance to simply enjoy life.
Oh, how reality was such a different place for us before.

© Renno B. Nel