Nathan’s Story
Only God knew about David’s sin with
Bathsheba. He sent the prophet Nathan, who
stood before the king and told this story: “There
were two men who lived in the same city. One
was rich. He had a large herd of cattle and a
large flock of sheep. The other was poor. He only
had one small lamb, but she was like a daughter
to him. The lamb grew up with his children as a
pet. She ate from their bowls, drank from their
cups, and even slept with them at night.
The rich man had a friend come to visit from
a far off city. When it came time for a meal,
the rich man didn’t want to use one of his own
sheep. Instead he took the poor man’s lamb and
prepared it for his guest.”
David became angry. He stood up and
shouted, “That’s disgusting! How could he be so
heartless? He deserves to die. He’ll give the poor
man four...
Bathsheba. He sent the prophet Nathan, who
stood before the king and told this story: “There
were two men who lived in the same city. One
was rich. He had a large herd of cattle and a
large flock of sheep. The other was poor. He only
had one small lamb, but she was like a daughter
to him. The lamb grew up with his children as a
pet. She ate from their bowls, drank from their
cups, and even slept with them at night.
The rich man had a friend come to visit from
a far off city. When it came time for a meal,
the rich man didn’t want to use one of his own
sheep. Instead he took the poor man’s lamb and
prepared it for his guest.”
David became angry. He stood up and
shouted, “That’s disgusting! How could he be so
heartless? He deserves to die. He’ll give the poor
man four...