

Getting Away With Murder
I blinked as I regained consciousness. I had hit my head hard, or had someone hit me? Then I realised I was holding a bloody knife in my hand. I stared in horror at the instrument now in my hand. Out of fear, I immediately tossed it to a corner.
I looked around the now empty surrounding I was in. I realized I was in some sort of deserted road. The rate of my heart's beat immediately began to skyrocket. What the hell am I doing in such a scary place? And the middle of the night for that matter.
I looked behind me and saw a body laying limp close to a tree. My brain immediately pleaded with me not to go check it out but curiosity got the best of me. Half curious but also half dreading, I moved towards the body and let out a huge gasp when I realized who it was. "Eric" I said in a low voice, as I brought my palm over my mouth.
It all came back to me now. The tricking me into coming here, and then later trying to take advantage of me. He had brought out a knife and had threatened to kill me if I made a single sound. I had tussled with him before he had gasped in pain. The knife had sunk deep into his chest almost immediately. I looked at his lifeless body and then at my now quivering hands.
He's dead. And I killed him. I could feel all the blood drain out of my face. "You had no choice. He was going to kill you anyway." A voice said in my head. As if on instinct, I immediately bolted for the road before me. Somehow I need to find my way back home
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