

The superhero identity
Season 1
Episode 1

Mask boy first crush

It's a beautiful morning, Rizzo also know as mask boy decided to take a walk because of what happened 5 years ago. He sat down on a tree and recall what happened that day.

[5 years ago...
I didn't know that they were powers in this word. All we have to do was to master them. Me, junfeng, luiyo, Jake and the rest were all friends. But now, things has changed between us. we were no longer friends anymore. So we have to resign from our heroes thing. We all seperated and move on to our various memory...]

As tears rolled down from rizzo's eye, he saw a girl cat walking. She was so pretty with long hairs, cool gowns, and great looking. Rizzo had no idea that, that was luiyo know as speed girl. Luiyo walks close to Rizzo as thinking that she was going to give him a kiss. Anyway, rizzo was not good at talking to girls nowadays.

liyou: Hi, my name is liyou, it's a really compliments to meet you. 😆.
Rizzo: I.. I..I..😅😅 ha ha ha...
liyou: emmm, 😕. Maybe I will just come back later, okay?? Bye...***I haven't said anything funny***

Liyou walked away quickly.
Rizzo: I feel useless. I can't even talk to a girl... hmm🤔 I wonder what's gotten into me these days. I wasn't like before but now.

A weirdo ran close to him like as if Rizzo killed someone. His name was Jake known as magnetic man. Rizzo had no idea who that was.

Rizzo: who are you?? emm, I wonder who this is?.🤔
Jake: there's no point, you will never know. How dare you mess with my girlfriend liyou.
Rizzo: oh. haaa hAAA 😂😂 .. HAAA 😅. WAIT.. LIYOU????? Did you just say liyou??

Rizzo actually remember that liyou was actually his best friends who join to safe the day. Anyway, before rizzo could say anything, Jake had already started a fight.

Jake gave Rizzo a three hit on the stomach which happens that liyou was on the ground.

Rizzo: hAAA. Griii.😤😤😤. you fool

Rizzo was about to hit Jake on his stomach, but it happens that Rizzo can't move.

Rizzo: are you controlling me??
Jake: you try to steal my girlfriend, so I can't keep secret from you.
Rizzo: what exactly do you mean😠.
Jake: yes, I am.. magnetic man!!!!


(what will Rizzo do to Jake after finding out that he was magnetic man? stayed tunned.)

© son goku