

The one that I respected....
What was I even thinking? Going there, asking for explanation even when I knew what she was going to say. Did I expect something from her? Ofcourse I did. I expected that she would be by my side as a teacher , as a friend, as a parent of mine. But at the end all she did was make fun of me. The real question is why couldn't I gather up the courage to ask her why she would talk behind my back? Because you trusted her enough to think that she would never say something so horrible like that about you. But you know what , people change, they change a lot with time. I still remember the first time I went to meet you , you were sitting on your chair in the class room. I came and asked some questions and stared deeply in your eyes. You're eyes made me confident. Well, what can we say, everything shattered. I guess I really didn't have the money to make you happy. I tried everything but I failed. I was going to come back to you but you pushed me away. You were my source of inspiration and motivation. But that day when I heard that you insulted my father , I lost it. I'm sorry for everything my teacher. For the time we spent together as student and teacher, it was great. I respected you a lot. But for now, my respect for you is gone. So bye bye! Have a good life teacher.

© ivysand