

My first week in my new head housekeeper position and I have managed to hire almost a full team of housekeepersand trained them, held a mandatory housekeeping meeting to make sure everyone knows what my expectations are of them, and our reviews for best western are totally starting to turn around already. Feeling a little proud of myself and that just never happens. still there is still so much to. do in that hotel toget it back in shape.
Went from working only 20 hours a week to six days a week. only problems. I really have now are my home life. My husband still shows me no affection again once again which if anyone remembers not long ago me having a affair . this no communication with him and the lack of feeling loved or appreciated I feel is what put this problem in place last time. I don't understand why everytime I put my heart in his hands he starts to treat me badly. I beg and beg for his attention, and you know what that girl t me a fight the other nite like literally. The man balled his fist up and punched me twice in front of his son who granted is 18 but my step son just stood there and watched it happen and it broke my heart. idk know if maybe I'm just being dumb or of I'm rite and he really is just pushing me away for no reason. long story short they end up leaving by myself rough up, as well as waking up when the a black eye which should've never went to that point.well I guess we will see. how it turns out. now to wait for
something Today to actually just go right just once ya know. FINGERS ⚔️ SSED RITE