

(Dreams without limitations )....short story (completed)

Toby had always dreamed of playing cricket on the big stage. Growing up in a small town, he spent hours upon hours practicing his batting and bowling skills. His parents, who were both teachers, supported his dream and encouraged him to pursue it wholeheartedly. Toby's determination and talent were undeniable, and he was soon scouted by a big team in the city.
Excited and nervous, Toby moved to the bustling city to join his new team. At first, everything seemed to be going according to plan. He trained hard, played in local matches, and made a name for himself. But just when he thought he was on the path to achieving his dream, tragedy struck.
One fateful day, as Toby was walking home from practice, he got caught in the middle of a riot. The chaos and violence were overwhelming, and Toby found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time. Shots were fired, and before he knew it, Toby was lying on the ground, severely injured. He was rushed to the hospital, but the damage was already done.
Toby's right leg had to be amputated, and his cricket dreams seemed to shatter before his eyes. He was devastated, feeling like all his hard work and sacrifices were for nothing. But Toby refused to give up. With the support of his family and friends, he began to adapt to his new reality. He even started training again, determined to find a way to continue playing cricket.
Despite his limitations, Toby's skills were still unmatched. He could still bat and bowl with precision, using a wheelchair to maneuver around the field. His dedication and perseverance caught the attention of his team's coach, and he was given a chance to play in a major match.
The whole city was buzzing with excitement as Toby, the first disabled cricket player, took to the field. Many people doubted his abilities, but Toby didn't let that affect him. He played with all his heart, and to everyone's surprise, he performed exceptionally well. His team won the Dreams without limitations) continuation)

the first disabled cricket player, took to the field. Many people doubted his abilities, but Toby didn't let that affect him. He played with all his heart, and to everyone's surprise, he performed exceptionally well. His team won the match, and Toby became a hero overnight.
The media couldn't get enough of Toby's inspiring journey. He was interviewed by various news outlets, and a book was even written about his unique journey to becoming a cricket player. Titled "dreams without, limitations" the book chronicled Toby's struggles and triumphs, serving as an inspiration to many.
As Toby sat for an interview, he smiled, his tone relaxed and confident. He talked about how he never gave up on his dream, even when it seemed impossible. He also shared his hope that his story would encourage others to never let their limitations stop them from chasing their dreams.
In that moment, Toby realized that although his journey to becoming a cricket player was not easy, it made him the person he was today. He was proud of his uniqueness and grateful for the opportunity to show the world that anyone, no matter their circumstances, can achieve their dreams. And as the interviewer thanked him for his time, Toby's smile grew even wider, knowing that his journey was far from over.
© meena's inspirational books