

The Beginning

The car sped through the dark night, it's headlights flashing, warning the incoming traffic.

It was until my ragged breath reached the front window that I realized it was cold. The same scenery, the same post with a McDonald's ad peeling off the side. Hard right, curved left, then seemingly a 15 kilometer straight. The clock in the digital display in my dashboard showed May 5th, 2023.

Breaking into cold sweat, my eyes unfocused on the road in front of me. I realized an hour passed, it would be soon 2022, then 2021...

But the tank's almost empty. The.. thing I see... on the front mirror will be catching up in no time...

His long legs, hairy gripping the asphalt-ish road. Squelching each step like a yawn from hell. The face of my ex-wife was ripped apart by this creature.

I just didn't know he could wear it.

Now the orange light is flashing repeatedly. I'm sorry Samantha, I should've never adopted that cat...


© Tafii Biscuit