

Chapter 5
Waking up the next morning, I felt light. Like years of heavy regrets were just gone. But, when I walked downstairs, and saw my sisters opening a leftover bottle of champagne with large pleased smiles on their faces. Everything good I felt was emedeitly crushed. "Tessa! Get over here, sis!" Riah exclaimed. I walked in, and took the glass she handed me. "What's the celebration for?" I asked. "We got a buyer for it's toe." Amarah said with a small smile. "You know what that means, Tessa." Dagon said with an excited smile. "It's time for you to become a part of the family business." She said. Then, everyone's eyes were on me with excitement on their eyes. I felt my stomach twist in my body as I followed Amarah to my workshop. Issac was sleeping on his side, at least until he heard the clop of Amarah's heeled boots on the cement floor. He sat up with a start, and Amarah looked down on hihim with a smirk. "Do what you want with him." she said. "Make him scared, or suffer, I don't care. Just make sure I get the toe." she said. I looked down at Issac, he glared at Amarah's back as she walked upstairs. And when the door closed, he looked back at me. I looked away, walking over to my instruments. "Tessa?" he said. I picked up my small saw, and looked over at him. He looked at the saw, and back at me. "Tessa." he said. "Don't talk." I said in a hushed voice, and kneeled down to him. "If you want to survive, do what I say." I said. He gave me a confused look, but I ignored it, and went to a metal cabinet on the far right of the opposite side of the shop. Opening it, seeing the past prey I dissected, hanging from their hands by rope. The one I faced was the newest one there, a man who's skin didn't look like wrinkled leather. I looked over to Issac, "When I start to saw, start screaming like you're in pain." I said. He nodded understanding, and once I started to saw the toe, he screamed. It pirced through my ear drum, feeling like needles pricking my brain. But, I continued to saw, and did stop till the toe came off. Since it was a fresh corpse blood still dripped from the missing toe. I zipped it in a plplastic bag of ice, and covered his mouth muffling the screaming. Then, put my finger to my lips, telling him to stop. When he did, I walked up to the kitchen. And when I opened the door, I was faced with a cloud of red confetti and celebrational yells of my sisters, and pops of opening liquor bottles. "What the hell!" I exclaimed stunned with confetti in on my head, and some still fluttering down. "You did it! You're now a part of the family business!" Riah exclaimed wrapping me in a tight embrace. When she let go, everyone gathered around me, bathing me in liquor, red confetti, and congratulations. Though I tried to smile happily, but inside I felt like ice. Hard and cold. But, I could take this opportunity. I started drinking with them, going shot, after shot, after shot. Then, through a drunken vision, I could see everyone passed out. My head felt like it was rolling around in my skull, bumping into needles. I stumbled over to the bathroom and made myself vomit out the alcohol. After, I felt a little more sober. I walked with a slight stumble to my workshop. Issac was still up, leaning on the bars, but looked at me coming down. "Tessa?" he asked. I walked over to a drawer across from the metal table, and pulled out a hammer. "Tessa, what are you doing?" he asked as I unsteadily walked over to him. "Saving your ass."