


I'm running so fast because some of my bullies are chasing me...
It's my daily life, even if I don't do anything to them, bullies chase me to beat me so hard...

And when I ask why they always do beat me, their answer was, I'm a homosexual person and a homosexual like me should be in trash, it hurts, but I need to be strong to fulfill my dreams...

I cut my monologue when I bump in something...

then when I examine the object that I bumped with I was in tremble because, this is not an object but the freakin' campus heartrob Marco...

I was in daze when someone Slap my head so hard, then I return to reality that I need to run more faster, because my bullies are still chasing me huhuhu...

"I-I'm sorry but I need to go" I said while run away with Marco then I run faster, untill I went to my favorite place...
I sit in the old chair then I unzip my bag then open my notebook where I write my poems...

I see my favorite poem that written by me then I read it loudly and with emotion...


"Being the third in the two gender is so hard,
Folks alway judge you hostile, see you as rot-lard,
Also, they alway thought that you have satyriasis,
Like they thought, all third in two, only a sex basis,
They judge us outrageous though don't knew our true bard.

Peeps said that we're girls why should we love other girls?
We're lesbian or bi, we can't resist the meant trails,
We love fellows for not to hurt by man again,
We traumatized by sweet tongue, then my hopes drain,
Just want to be man to fellow to mend man's fail.

There's also a gay or bi, said that shaft hunter,
Not all has that mindset that give us bad alter,
We're not sex addicted, we're just want to be love,
We're man into woman, when fall need person's glove,
So don't ease judge us , sight within then do further.

People said, "why did you change your gender to trans?"
I always rebut that, this what I want till grans,
They can nasty judge me to be a transgender,
But they never drag me down cause I'm a fighter,
Be heeds in one's decision, respect my sovrans.

What's the matter if I charm to any gender?
I'm Queer that one in the third gender in border,
I love every being,first to other thirds sex,
What's wrong with that? I can just value unisex,
This is me, this my self I don't have disorder.

I ne'er charm to any sex, I want be alone,
I contented to be my self only so lone,
That no one can dictate me what am I to do,
I want to tie knot to my vogue with no ado,
I am Asexual that winstand with no one.

We also felt the pain from immoral judgement,
We're also human, we're just third in employment,
This is not our choice, but meant to identity,
How can we resist our self in curiosity?
We just show how real us, but bias so lament.

How can you judge your things when you were in scarce,
That's how we love, we give our all, though in disgrace,
Just want to love us back, even we're alike goon,
We can't worth to love, that we're need to first a boon
It's hurt, but that's the truth that we all need to face.

Sometimes even own family abash with us,
They just like the other folks that see us no class,
How can we be tough if own kin is own critics,
It's so hard to fought without the aid of kins' tics,
But yet tried to win trials solo then surpass.

Through the mend of shadow, my second family,
I really stand, though my own clan take me anxiously,
I fall then pals are there to advice me to rise,
Sometimes it's good to know your fault with no disguise,
That's what I learn in my chums then do act firmly" I read my written poem, as usual I'm here again in my favorite place, here near the well, this well is close to our house so I'm always here...

Here, near the well, I always sit and write a poem every time I cry from school then run away here because, bullies are always harass me, in fact, because of bullying I'm always absent and sometimes I just want to drop out but I'll just realize my promise to my parents that I will finish my studies and become a Doctor...

"Hey, Ugly duckling gay, do you think we can't find you ah?" Marie shouted that cut my monologue and gives me chills because this girl is my number 1 bully, when I turn around I saw the three guy at her back, they look like gangster...

"I-I haven't done anything wrong with you, have I? " I said while trembling, then suddenly the three guy run towards me, they hold my arms and tied me up at where I sat...

"You haven't done anything? ah! bulsh*t because of you Marco reject me, What did Marco like about you? your so ugly and your stink as a garbage, ahhhh !!! I can't accept that a sexy, beautiful, and rich person like me will be rejected and the person I love will choose a poor, ugly and slapsoil like you!!!!, I won't accept it, you need to die!!!" She said loudly and like crazy, I was surprised by what she said about Marco, Marco, a so called Adonis of our Campus will fall in love with an ugly like me???

But I tremble when I realize what she want to do with me...

"P-Please M-Marie don't do what is in your mind please" I saide while crying and trembling...

"Boys! throw him into well HAHAHA!" She said then Laugh like a Demon...

Then the three guy lift me like a pig then throw me into well

"Oh no! please marie , I-I don't know how to-(drowning) to swim, anybody!! help me please!!" I said while I tried to swim...

"HAHAHA You freaking ugly will drown in pain bye bye nobodies help you b*tch" She said while laughing like a demon then walk away

Please, ah!, d-don't go!, Help anybo-"I didn't finish what I was going to say as if I was losing strength and I suddenly drowned so my vision gradually darkened until the darkness swallowed my vision and I could no longer feel anything.

© kyubi3