

Chapter 1: A young and beautiful lady
The birds was singing with harmonic melody at the morning when a lady woke up to go in the market just to buy some vegetables and food that need for the whole day, she sing simultaneous to those Birds who following her. that morning she walking at the Forest far from the market, alone and tired feet are what she feel that time, another she's thirsty 'coz on the long walk she made. The lady have only basket and some coins on its side and she decide to continue walking towards the market despite of thirsty and tiredness.

She arrived the market with full of people who want to buy foods, with loud noise and wet all over because on side to side fish deliver. first, she get to vegetable store and go rapidly on the butcher that she trust in terms the quality of meat. all the storekeeper that she bought food were treated her well because on the kindess that she showed to them. The butcher noticed her thirstiness
The butcher ask her "Are you thirsty gentle lady?"

"No ma'am" her response.

"Yes you are, here! drink it i know you went on the long walk again" the butcher said with little smile on her lips.

"Come again lady" Quick shout of the butcher to her and she response with great smile that cause to express her soft and lovely face.

After she bought all the list, she wanted to go to flower garden to pick something colorful that she want to give in her sister. After she picked a flower she decide to get home when suddenly a man's voice shouted her

"Hey!! why are you picking our flowers?" he ask her.
She nervously said "S-sorry, i just want to picked one for my sister"

The man tracked a nervous feeling of the girl while apologising at his front. he noticed that the girl didn't show her face and he command her to show it but the lady didn't do what his want.

"I want to go home sir, if you want, i will return the flower on your field" she said

"State your name" Man's order.

"Here sir! take it and i will go home now" Her Quick reply just to hide her name and she stretch her flowless arm to bring back the flower.

"No, give that to your sister, hope she'll be happy" a gentle said of a man.

The lady gave gratitude and walked away from him, while the man confusing if who's that lady, he sigh deeply and said "Such a charming lady" with smile and amaze on his face.

© Gab