

A Blank Cheque

I read it once, then twice. I wasn't imagining it - I had won the lottery!
How it could be possible as I didn't buy any lottery ticket.When I was thinking about it, a man reached my home with a cheque of worth $100000. Reluctantly, I received the cheque.The next morning, When I went to the bank to deposit the cheque, everyone started congratulating me. I left the bank without breaking my silence. When I reached my home, I found a blank cheque near my main entrance. Suddently, a beggar approached me ,with a bowl in his hand, and I handed over that cheque to him. He didn't accept that cheque , but he handed over a letter to me. When I opened the letter, I was astonished to see that it was a letter from God. I started reading that letter in which it was written :
Dear Jaspinder Singh,
Thanks for helping that lady with a handsome amount during her bad time and I am paying you for your good deeds.The lottery ticket was bought by me on your behalf. The next time if you need money, buy a lottery ticket . Moreover, you can use this cheque to withdraw money .
Later , I became more confused and started thinking ' How can God have an account in the bank?'Suddently, that beggar snatched that cheque from my hand and signed it.

© Jaspinder Singh