

The Parcel
Image definitely not mine. If its yours and you want it taken down, just say so in the comment.

The parcel that had arrived today, contained an old key and a list of instructions to use it.


"You got to be kidding me." I mumbled as I sent an incredulous stare at the mysterious parcel. "This the third time this month."

This weirdness began when my friend-slash-enemy, Ace, went missing. No one knows how, why, or what; he just poofed out of existence. Three days after his disappearance, I got the first parcel.

No way I checked that. I've seen enough horror movies to not trust things like this, thank you.

One week after I ignored the first delivery, another one came. You might as well know that I tossed it out the garbage. Still not going to check it, nope.

But for whoever sent this to do it for the third time. .

"They might be really desperate." With a very reluctant and scared mind, I decided to finally open the parcel.

It says. . .

'To Miss Aries Blanc
Sadville, Moddy Street, House 69

You are invited to Hogwarts. Congrats.'

Joking. It wasn't like that.

Hoped it was just like that though, because the actual instructions are somewhat alarming for me.

"Good day, Miss Blanc--"

Holy shit, whoever wrote this actually knows how to spell my last name. Oh right- ehem -

"You might be wondering who sent you this parcel and why it was sent to you!"

Fantastic, you're a mind reader!

"All things will be explained to you once both of us meet, however. Just know that it is extremely importany and I would certainly appreciate it if you don't discard this message like you did to the other. . two."

Well. . .

I felt guilty.

"Before all of that, I want you to take the key included in this parcel - and oh no, don't worry. No supernatural stuff involved here."

Oh, thank goodness.


Well, fuck.

"I want you to take the old key to the nearest public library in your area. Just show it to the librarian. Then, they will lead you to a secret area behind the restricted section. There's an underground staircase - worry not! It's just a short descent. You'll have to do the journey down by yourself though, the mortal isn't allowed in that place.

"When you have made it down, you'll find a somewhat long hallway leading to a single door. Use the key to unlock that door, and enter, of course."

"The rest shall be explained to you there."


"Wa-wa-wait what." I read and reread the words written in the paper - surprise coursing through my veins. "What."


It can't be real right? No way. Is this like, an invitation to an adventure of a lifetime? Are we gonna go to some freaky, medieval time period and slay dragons? Am I chosen hero? Was this the reason for my whole existence?

Starry-eyed, I looked at the old key and paper in my hand.

And in that moment, I've reached a conclusion - a decision that will change my whole life. . . forever.




"Yeah no." I said before shooting he crumpled paper with the key inside to the bin.

© Cassidy

[I tried my best-- ]