



in love with a mermaid is a romantic tale entwined with destiny and redemption, young Xiang, burdened with depression and a haunting belief that the end of the world looms near, is kidnapped by the infamous terrorist faction of the Zingogin Kingdom. As the prophesied savior, Xiang’s pure heart is the key to absolving the kingdom from its egregious sins. However, through an unexpected turn of fate, Anna, a mermaid of remarkable compassion and bravery, rescues Xiang from the grips of an evil ritual. Alongside new friends and a growing love for Anna, Xiang must conquer his inner darkness, forgive the misdeeds of an entire realm, and emerge as the redeemer foretold by divine prophecy. Xiang’s journey, marked by danger, enchantment, and a fight for moral resurgence, ultimately redefines the essence of his life and the future of the entire Zingogin Kingdom.

Section 1: Zone of Comfort

Young Xiang, a somewhat introverted individual, finds solace in the quiet of his predictable life, despite his struggles with depression and an ominous feeling that the world's termination is imminent. He always embraced simplicity, he is well courageous, dependent, straightforward and honest.

But the death of his parents made him not to thrive in anything he does, it always inculcate a weird and strange aura to him, many people do say he's a quiet person but literally he is always alone, because no one want to associate themselves with him.

They nicknamed him bad luck, the death of his parents was a total mystery and this made people to hate him the more, some said he is a killer, others said he is a possessed demon. But deep down he has nothing to do with the death of his parents, he is a kindhearted man, who is always passionate in everything he does.

Xiang was born in the year of the dragon, in xuling, china there was a war between China and Japan that year, different missiles was deposited from the outer space, of China with different deleterious substance in and out of China, hovering round the capital of china. Innocent lives were lost as a result of this unfathomable experience, xiang father was part of this unimaginable scenario it was a tragedic situation for his family, some think xiang parents death was a mystery, others said xiang was the real culprit of their death.

But literally, they were totally wrong, xiang father was a civilian and a licenced Medical Doctor, who saves lives a lot with his strong eminent qualities and he is above all other doctor's in his community, on his way to save innocent lives that was brutally destroyed by these unfathomable and unpalatable scenerio, a stray bullet was shot directly into his heart, piercing it deeply till his flesh gushed out blood numerously, it was really painful and unpleasant situation for his dear beloved wife, who saw the way her husband was brutally killed by their uninvited invaders, her impatience made her to be shot twice by their uninvited guests, she whimpered in pain till she gave up the ghost, her strong hands was still holding little Xiang with strong embrace.

The whole Chinese people was almost killed, some were held as captives, and some was able to escape and retreat from the war, but xiang was kidnapped and adopted by the Japanese people.

The wife of the Japanese captain withheld him with her hands and sang a melodious song into his small little ears till his dazzling bright eyes was totally closed.

"Isn't he adorable?, She asked the troops of soldiers!

"Yes! Mrs captain, he is absolutely adorable."

"Chu-Hua" She's a leader with dauntless spirit, when she gave an order there's no one who dares disobey the order, or else the so called individual that disobeyed her will either be killed or banished from Kyoto City".

Kyoto is a city in central Japan on southern Honshu; it's a famous cultural center that was once the capital of japan. The parents of the wife captain were emperors of Japan and they ruled from Kyoto for fifteen centuries until 1869. It was the scene of several key events of the Muromachi period, sengoku period, the Boshin war, and the battle of Toba-Fushimi. The Modern municipality of Kyoto was established in the year 1889 which is also called the thousand- year capital, her parents yuan shikai and yuan luan were dynasty of same family, and they lead Japanese to victory in the second world war against China, during the war they invaded the Chinese province of Manchuria in 1731, they controlled large sections of china, and war battles against the chinese became a common place. In 1739 the armies of Japan clashed in the area of khalkin Gol river in Manchuria. This battle lasted four months and it resulted into a significant defeat for the Chinese.

Ever since then history was made the Japanese became the head of the Chinese and they do toy with them anytime they like.

This made Japanese nation to be a threat to other nations and kingdoms, young xiang had to get used to that lifestyle, Moreover he wasn't a bonafide child of that kingdom, time passed, years passed, xiang grew with knowledge and wisdom that no other children full with Valour and vigor could comprehend or defeat him.

Captain Luchi later had an heart disease when xiang was barely 15 years old and his wife Chu-Hua was so scared because he was already at the brink of death but when death is near who else can stop it from happening, no one can't, and no one will never will, except God himself.

Captain luchi gave up the ghost and the fame of his death was disseminated across Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, Hiroshima, Kobe, Nagasaki, Shizuoka and throughout the provinces of japan, those nations who fear them were really surprised and at the same time happy, because they won't be anyone threatening or pressurizing them anymore. But his death brought in loop holes to Kyoto city and gave their enemies upperhand in breaking the shield of Kyoto city.
Chu-Hua mourn her husband death and buried him with his forefathers, the troop of soldiers gave him the last respect and xiang who was naive doesn't really know what to do, and what really happened.

Moreover he is an adopted child who doesn't really know who he was and where his future resides, it took him time to adapt to the Japanese lifestyle, the way they talk, the food they eat, their dressing patterns and their innovative ideas, a lot of people do made him know he was adopted but due to his naiveness, he do argue with them and convince them he is the real son of Chu-Hua and Captain luchi but when his adopted mother told him the true side of the story of how he was adopted he was totally devastated, ruined and broken hearted his life was was hanging in one way, he doesn't know whether to go towards to the left or to the right...

But destiny is a mystery it's beyond one's knowledge, it's beyond ones imagination, it is like a wind that travels from North to South and East to West, with mindless directions and opposite positions.

Xiang destiny is prepared to be fulfilled, he is been troubled with nightmares of being the saviour of a particular kingdom and also fallen in love with a mermaid, but his vision and dreams were really blurry he can't really recollect where is fate and future resides.

"If I really knew who my real parents are from xuling in China and the way they were murdered by my adopted parent's I wouldn't have embrace this so called evil and dangerous Japanese nation with love".

"My life is a total mess, I am willing to avenge the death of my parents, nation, and my relative's, every living thing in Japan, I mean their properties, any blessed thing in every towns in Japan will be destroyed!, no one will ever stop me from not avenging this grieveous pain they inflicted to my spirit, soul and body".

Xiang planned to leave Japan in other to locate his country since he is just a foreigner in Japan, but Chu-Hua ordered her troops of soldiers to execute him before the day break, she doesn't have an iota of feelings and affection for him anymore and he ordered his killings to be a very brutal and painful experience for him. The death of her husband made her to resent poor Xiang and the strong feelings she had for him later disperse away and later result into strong hatred, her misconception deceived her in assuming it was Xiang that brought bad luck to her husband. But hell no! Xiang destiny is like an arrow being shot into the thin air that doesn't have a particularly direction it's heading towards till it hit its target that's when the goal of the arrow is being achieved.

©️ Oyeyemisamuelkevin.

Any of the copies are not to be plagiarized, or posted without the writer consent 👍👍.

© Oyeyemisamuelkevin💖