

Love me
Do you believe that there's a love story planned for you? If you think so, share your thoughts in form of story with us

I got a job in a far place. The work place was in a remote area, where I do not find
any restaurant to eat.
So I cooked food by myself and was managing. A new girl joined in my work.
She liked very much, and sometimes she brings breakfast for me.I also liked her,she was a nice girl.After sometimes I came to know that she is in love with me.
But I don't know what to reply her. Because I was not, that much matured at that time to run a family. Likewise, days passed,I got a transfer to another city in Karnataka.Even afterwards she is used to sending letters expressing her love.But I was hesitant to accept her proposal. She belonged to higher community,orthodax
family. Vegetarian, whereas I am a non vegetarian.Still she wanted to become my life partner.I said I need some time to decide.
After few months for unknown reason letter correspondence was disconnected.
After that I could not resume the connection.But I heard she was married and settled.Her father was in deathbed or something like that, she has to abandon her love. That was my first and love in my life.
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