

Why I don't want kids. (a short rant)
Reasons why I don't want kids.

My mental health.
I've never had great mental health, and it's only gotten worse over the years. I had an odd upbringing, and I don't want my health and things that my father brought me up to affect my children. If I were to kill myself, that is not something I could put my children through. Nor my own health problems like anxiety, depression, social fears, and the explicit details that my father shared with me when I was young, is not something I am willing to risk with my own kids.
And not just that, having kids and the responsibility of possibly multiple other lives brings great stress. I'll be working by then, maybe in college, I'll already be stressed enough.
Their mental health.
This world is QUICKLY going to shit, I wouldn't want to raise anyone in today's environment. Especially by the time I could actually have kids, it'll only have gotten worse. The government is actively trying to take away lgbtq+ rights. What if my child is a part of that? I couldn't live with myself knowing that I'm bringing a child into a not safe world.
Money and housing.
Things now have gotten extremely expensive. It's hard to live now just as one person off of a normal job. Now bring children into that? And the housing markets, oh my lord, the housing markets. You can't even live without worrying about money. By the time my kids would be old enough to move out and get their own places, they wouldn't be able to afford or find places they can fit.
Me personally.
I don't want to take care of another human being, I barely know how to take care of myself. Raising and being completely responsible for another life, to make sure they are a good functioning member of society?

I would love my children unconditionally, but the world won't.

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