

Mother's womb became my Tomb(ch-1)
A happily married couple(zain and sameera)was living together happily away from thier family because of their jobs...

Zain was an engineer and sameera was a doctor.They were recently married and moved to their new flat.Sameera is little tired of her work and returned back to home early.
Then suddenly,she heared someone crying hard and hard, its a voice if a small baby.Sameera was very confused and asked her neighbours,but there were no any small babies in their neighbour flat.She returned back to her flat and entered into her room to take some rest,she suddenly feel like a small baby is sleeping beside her.she trrifiedly leave the room and called her husband to come early as possible.she again heared a baby crying and calling "mummy".

To be continued...

Its not the story as it actually looks like.There is a suspence in this story.plzz follow and like.I will publish 2nd chapter as early as possible🙂🙂