

Systems: LeRhy Civilization Intro
On a planet far away, refugees from a doom Solar System filled with various different people and species landed and formed their own civilizations. one of these civilizations is LeRhy.

The people of this nation value scientific research and progress over all else. If I were to compare their civilization to something on the human homeworld of Earth, I would say that LeRhy is run like a massive university. The best scholars and academic thinkers are not only in charge of education, but are in charge of the governance of the entire country. There is a council containing the top scholars from the best ninety institutions (known as the apoxis, or best, schools)in LeRhy that makes decisions on a federal level. Beneath that, there are the aloxis (or second best) institutions, tricota institutions, and so on and so forth until you reach the schools at the very bottom: the xicon institutions.

Even though they are very focused on science, the people of this nation are no strangers to philosophy. The common philosophy of LeRhy is based around materialism, empiricism, and analytical philosophy. Materialism is the belief that nothing exists beyond the material world we perceive and can't perceive; empiricism is the idea that all knowledge is derived from the senses; and analytical philosophy is philosophy based around analytical logic.

Architecture of the buildings of LeRhy take on different forms, but all generally focus on function over form - make the building more efficient for whatever you plan to use it for and leave out fancier decorations & building styles when you can. Their art is usually based around real events and scientific phenomena, with one of their most famous artworks being a decoration depicting the DNA of over ninety different species.

We will see more of the people of LeRhy and their intelligent, analytical civilization in the coming times...
© Tyler W. McFadden