

S1:Guilt Pt.6
Tv reporter: It's been six weeks since the Kingdom was exposed for adultery and the stupid rumors about to kings being together

Reporter: I also have word that King Bryan of Willapplen will be doing of interview this afternoon at 2 pm

12:53 pm

John turns off the Tv.

John: you okay, Jay

Jay sits on his bed, nearly in tears as reading reviews of the reporters on his tablet. John takes the tablet from his hands.

John: Is this what you been doing all night, Jay/ This is not healthy. You are a king. You have a kingdom legacy to protect.

Jay: PROTECT! I can't protect my fucking self

John: baby, you have to try

Jay: I can't anymore, dad (Brust into tears )

John holds Jay. When Violette runs in

Violette: Your Grace!

John: Yes vio

Violette: your mother is in the hospital

Jay, John, and Violette runs to the infirmary

Holly: Jayden... John

John: what happens, daring?

Kai: mom fainted

Jules: Fainted!?!?!

John: did you not eat a lot today or something. Or are you dehydrated? I can get some water.

Holly: I am okay, sweetie

The doctors come in

Dr. Kyle: Hello, I am Holly's doctor might I speak to you (points at John)

John: You can say it in front of her children

Dr.Kyle: okay then. Mrs. Holly, we have found a growth near your lung. We need to do more tests to make sure, but it is clear as day on our first test.

Everyone is silent.

1:53 pm

Rose and Bryan walk in the garden while Veronica plays with Celine (Bryan/veronica's daughter).

Rose: So that happens with Josh

Bryan: I guess that dick was good because that man got problems

Rose: Bryan, you dam stupid, look Jayden is so mad at me.

Bryan: Well, you cheated on him

Rose: and you fucking my husband

Bryan: Before you, two were married, Rose

Rose: how does Vecornia feel

Bryan: she doesnt care because it was before are married, unlike you

rose: at less, I can find happiness

Vecorina walks up

Bryan: First of all, you have cheated ten times at least. Second, it would be a shame if Jayden knew who else you slept with and what day you made May at.

Rose slaps him

Rose, you Fucking Fa...


Rose: Well shit, I can have my kids

Bryan: ROSE!!!

Veronica Punches Rose

Rose is in shock and runs away


Jayden sits in the office, waiting for the broadcast to air. The music starts playing.

Reporter: Hello, you beautiful people, today we have King Bryan of willapplen. Your grace, please tell your side of the story
© Jordan