

Moving forward!

The chill of the wind caught my breathe, pushing me back quite harshly, as
the sun broke vividly through the darkened clouds.
My phone vibrated uncontrollably, as I hesitated to look at the messages.
The stale messages added salt to the open wounds.
As I struggled to catch my breath and regain my thoughts, I looked around for a destinct moment to regather myself.
I hesitated as I looked down at my phone.
Flashbacks from that day started flooding my mind.
Tears of hurt, guilt, and pain rolled down my pale face.
How could I have been so selfish?
You begged me to stay..
If I would have stayed, just maybe..
who knows?
I glanced down at my phone.
You need to be at the Hospital around 3 p.m... We have to make some final decisions..
I slowly drifted ..
The car accelerated before the signal turned green.
Was you coming after me?
Did you love me enough to continue to try?
I walked into the house to grab my purse and keys.
But I couldn't move, I was paralyzed with fear.
I sat there reading your last messages,
You are my first thought in the morning,
my last thought at night. You are my everything in between. You are my reason that I am trying to be a better man.
If you walk away from me, you will be taking away the first real love I've ever known. Please get counceling with me.
I just couldn't continue to read this..
I loaded an empty suitcase full of memories, as I quickly ran out of the door.
Half way to the car, I hit my knees and began to Pray.
I asked God to spare your life in exchange for mine. I Prayed for what seemed like hours, but it only had been minutes.
I dried my eyes and walked to the car.
I was only half way to the hospital when I got the call from the doctor, saying he's awake.
In that moment, I knew it was my destiny to love you and let the past go.
I decided to clean out my closet and move forward, into a better tomorrow.
I had a wardrobe full of clothes that still had their tags on, but at that moment it didn't matter. You are alive.

© graceful_lily