

Hiro gets beat up on the first day of school.
Hiro and Tadashi were going to the same highschool, " Today is your first day of school, are you excited?" Tadashi asked, " Kind of." Hiro said, " Is everything okay?" Tadashi asked, " Yeah, it's just Im nurvas that's all." Hiro said, They arrived at school and Hiro got nurvas because he saw his bullies from middle school. " Hiro you ready?" Tadashi asked, * Looks at Hiro * " Hiro, are you sure you're okay?" Tadashi asked, " Yeah yeah!" Hiro said, * They walked inside* " Wait is that Hiro from middle school?" Astrid asked, " Yeah, he looks older." Kar,I said, " Duh, it's because he's 15!" Astrid said, Hiro and Tadashi walked to thire lockers and Astrid walked up to them. " Hiro it's so great to see you." Astrid said, * Tadashi looks at him* " Y- Yeah it's so great to see you as well." Hiro said, * The bell rings* " See you in lunch." Tadashi said, * Walks away* " I will walk you to class, after all we have the same classes." Karmi said, * During class * " Hiro, welcome to our school." Mrs. Bellweather said, " Thanks." Hiro said, * The bell rings* " 2nd period everyone." Mrs. Bellweather said, * Astrid pushes Hiro * " Oh sorry did I do that?" Astrid asked, " Look at him, he's such a loser." Kar,I said, " Why are you guys bothering me, no one asked you to come bother me." Hiro said, * Astrid looks at him * " Watch your back." Astrid said, * Hiro stands up and walks to class * " Hiro!" Tadashi said, * Waves* " Thank God I'm in his class." Hiro said to himself * Astrid and Karmi walked in* " Move it!" Astrid said, * Shuves him* " Astrid, that wasn't nessisary. " Mr. Robertson said, " Oops, sorry." Astrid said, " Everyone stand agents the wall I will asimg you a seat." Mr. Robertson said, * Everyone stand agents the wall* " Enjoying your first day?" Tadashi asked, * Looks at him* " Y- Yeah, it's so great." Hiro said, " Hiro and Astrid, you two will be sitting next to eah other. Mr. Robertson said, " Ooh, this is going to be fun." Astrid said, * Puts green paint on Hiros seat* " So,ethings not right." Tadashi said to himself. * Hiro sits down * * everyone gighels* " What's so funny?" Hiro asked, * Stands up and looks* " Oh no.." Hiro said, * Everyone laughs at him* " Hiro go to the bathroom and clean up." Mr. Robertson said, * Hiro runs out of the room* " Tadashi and Karmi, you will be sitting right behind Hiro and Karmi." Mr. Robertson said, * They sat down* * 10 minutes later * " Will someone go check on Hiro?" Mr. Robertson asked, " I will!" Astrid said, * Finds Hiro* " What up loser!" Astrid said, " I knew you were going to do this to me." Hiro said, " What do you expect me to do? Just be nice to you for once ha never!" Astrid said, " No one asked you to do this, and for you to come here. All you do is ruin my life. " Hiro said, * Hiro walks away* " Oh no you don't!" Astrid said, * Pins him on the locker* " You got some shame saying that to me!" Astrid said, * Hiro Shuves her* " Leave me alone." Hiro said, * During lunch* " Are you okay?" Tadashi asked, " I'm fine." Hiro said, * Astrid walks up to them* " Hiro can you come with me?" Astrid asked, * Tadashi looks at Hiro * " Why?" Hiro asked, " It's a saprise." Astrid said, * Hiro walks with her* " Who are they?" Hiro asked, " We are her friends, she told us what you said." Bri said, " Pin him." Astrid said, * They pined him on a locker * " Let go, and leave me alone!" Hiro said, * Astrid beas him up* " This is what you get!" Astrid said, * Keeps hitting him* " How you like that?" Karmi asked, * The bell rings* " Look, his mouth is bleeding and he has a bruise on the side of his face." Astrid said, " Aw poor baby, how about you go cry to your mama and papa, oh wait you can't." Bri said, * During class* " Hiro why are you crying?" Mr. Robertson asked, * Shows his face* " Who did this to you?" Mr. Robertson asked, " N- No one I just ran into a door.." Hiro said, * Sits down* " You will get more after school freshmen!" Bri said,m* Astrid slaps her first* " Please, I'm not asking for trouble.." Hiro said, * After school* " Have you seen Hiro?" Tadashi asked, * The girl points* " Thanks. " Tadashi said, * Walks up to him* " Hey!" Tadashi said, * Hiro turns his head away* " Hiro, are you hiding something?" Tadashi asked, * Hiro nods no* " Hiro, look at me." Tadashi said, * Hiro shows his face* " Who did this to you?" Tadashi asked, " I ran into a door." Hiro said, " Don't lie to me, now who did this to you?" Tadashi asked, * Points at Astrid and her friends* " They did this?" Tadashi asked, " * Sniffles* Yeah, during lunch she did this." Hiro said, * Tadashi walks up to Astrid and her friends* " Umm, we should leave.." Bri said, * Astrid turns around* " Tadashi... Hey.." Astrid said, * Tadashi grabs her* " You better stay away from Hiro you got it?" Tadashi asked in anger, " I.." Astrid said, " Do you understand me!?" Tadashi asked, " Yes yes!" Astrid said, * Drops her* " Good.. NOW GET!!!!!" Tadashi yelled, * Astrid and her friends ran away* Tadashi and Hiro went home, and Tadashi helped Hiro with his bruises. Hiro doesn't want to head to school the next day, but he has his brother with him.

Wanna see him on the second day of school commit down below.