

You Can Only Be Lonely When You Choose To

You can only be lonely when you hate yourself so much that you can not stand the thought of being alone all by yourself, and even if you don't like being left alone with just yourself, when you find yourself feeling lonely, then what you need is not another person to love or validate you. Build an unbreakable character within you by living true to yourself and holding steadfastly to your values and what you believe in.

What you need is to learn to accept yourself and admit your flaws, no human is flawless, then you learn to love yourself, heal yourself and grow by changing your mentality of how you see the world and how you see yourself, build yourself to become a better person, feed your mind with things that will make you a better version of yourself, create worth for yourself and the right people will show up in your life.

When you find yourself feeling lonely, search deep within yourself and ask yourself what are those areas of your life that you need to change, to make yourself first want yourself before people will start genuinely wanting you, if you are a liability to yourself, then best believe that you will also be a liability to somebody else and the whole society at large.

Find your purpose, and engage yourself in activities that will build your mind to make you a better friend, colleague, boss, lover, child, parent, or spouse. Try to make yourself the best person you can be in everything you do without pretending to be somebody else and I bet you the right people will come running into your life, they will genuinely respect and love you for who you are and it is far better than those people who will pretend to love you for acting like somebody you are not.

Loneliness is an illusion created by a feeble and fake method of how society has been taught to believe, they are lies that stop you from reaching your true potential and achieving whatever you set your mind to achieve.

The worst prison in the world is the prison of the mind, it is better to be put in physical chains because you can see the chains and you can look for freedom from it, but when the mind is imprisoned, you don't see the bars and so you live happily in ignorance for the rest of your life, that is not LIVING, that is just EXISTING.

©F.I.D libraries.