

Loop of Sad Life

Today I'm feeling bad for myself.
There was one time where I was almost at the same level where my few other genii friends were.
Now I am just a kid who can't focus on my studies.
Now all my other friends are far away from me; sorted (from outside).
And me still struggling to find a way for me; not sorted (both from inside and outside).
I want to rewind these two years and make better decisions.
I know it's not possible but I badly want to go back.
Please take me back to that point where I was a confident and smart kid.
Now it's becoming tough to face this world with my dull and insecure nature.
"Okay! Let's relax." I say to myself.
But the very next moment I'll start crying for wasting two priceless years.
I don't want to but I fall into this loop ending up myself as a drained and tired soul.
I want to seek help from my parents but I can't.
I can't hurt them anymore.
They have done a lot for me.


• Can I restart this?
~ Of course not.
• Can I make this better?
~ Yes, I will.
So I'm going to do that.
I know completing a task in three years that requires two is the same as failure.
But I'm ready to accept that.
And within some time, I'm also going to discuss this with my parents.
After all, they are my only well-wishers throughout my life.