

A letter by Corona Virus Vaccine
What to introduce about myself,
I am a corona virus vaccine you people know me by many labels like covaxin, novavax, etc.
You all eagerly waited for me to come into this world, right?
And here I am for you to take away your fear which you had earlier (of our enemy called Corona).
But now on my arrival, I found that many allegations were put on my authenticity whether I will provide Humans complete immunity from corona or will I create any other disabilities in human bodies.
Even many suspected me that I am being formulated for economic gains and many of you even connected me to the political ties of your respective countries. But these are just mere allegations.
O My fellow Humans, you know that I have been created in a laboratory with special care, expertise and even faced many practical trials during my journey, just to modify myself to suit you better. So that no harm can cause to you, by being your shield fighting the deadly corona enemy.
You have to trust me, I am created to protect you, I cause no harm.
I have been told that people have a very good team on this earth, whom you called Doctors, Police, Frontline workers, etc and they will assure my proper functioning.
I am just a pawn to kill the corona in this game of chess, and doctors (vizier), police (knight), frontline workers (rook), etc will make sure that I am performing properly to protect the Common People of the land (king)
And you being the king have to trust on your cavalry and infantry.
Together we will definitely will the battle against this Big enemy.
© Sandeep Bhagwat