

My Heart Aches For Nature Now...
How my heart aches for nature now. So many years have passed. Memories of Tiger lilies along the ancient path into the vast forest in Japan. Clear. Damp. Full of life beckoning to behold. So small was I alone.
The forest thick and unyielding on the side of the gravel road. Cicadas singing their stories passed on through generations of old.
Pink bramble Roses covering the fence and archway gated to our new summer home. A small pond with fish, Papyrus grew around. Horsetail and the Hydrangea, blue and bold.
A grapevine. A stream. A Praying Mantis to behold. Tatami floors, Shoji Doors. A Princess Bed with pink curtains to close.

Such an evil man there was, full of lies, and deceit. Stealing my things from me, blaming me and laughing in my face as I cried, "Nooooooo!" Too innocent and little then to realize what he was doing. Killing my pets, manipulating everyone around him, to cowardly cover his own tracks.
I ran away once, only to be brought back. I was asked if I wanted him to be my new Daddy. I immediately shook my head, "NO". He went crying, sitting outside in the rain. Until my mother made me get him with an umbrella and bring him back inside.
My Undle visited. I suddenly found myself alone. The adults didn't even know I was there. They ignored me. So unfair.
Since my "father" stole my things, and I was too small to understand I mimicked his behavior since no one seemed to care. My Uncle had lots of cash. (He wouldn't miss a few..." I thought. I hid the money under my bed. I snuck out in the night, bravely walked out of sight. I knew that at the end of the gravel road was a small news stand with snacks to behold. Kaki Mochi- comfort food I was after, he gave me change and told me I was brave. Gave it to me as he behaved. I went home again, snuck in and went back to sleep. I dreamt of better days.....
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