

Inspired by my story
Once there was a girl named Priyanka who loved nothing more than writing stories. She spent hours on end in her room, surrounded by stacks of notebooks and pens, lost in her own world of imagination. Her parents often worried about her and wished she would spend more time outside, but Priyanka was too captivated by the stories she created to care.
One day, while walking through the park, Priyanka met a boy named Sameer. Sameer was different than anyone Priyanka had ever met before. He loved to read, just like her, and would spend hours dissecting the stories they both loved. Priyanka found herself drawn to him, and they quickly became friends.
As they got to know each other better, Priyanka started to share her stories with Sameer. She was nervous at first, but he listened attentively and encouraged her to keep writing. He loved all the characters she had created and would often spend his free time reading her latest pages.
Priyanka started to see Sameer as a hero in her own book. He was the one who inspired her to keep writing and believed in her, even when she didn't believe in herself. With his support, she was able to grow as a writer, creating stories beyond her wildest dreams.
So, if you ever meet a girl who writes, don't be afraid to kiss her ink-stained fingers or dive into the worlds she creates. You just might become the hero of her own story.

© प्रियंका