

Conglomerate agustin
Wide, frightened eyes took in the casual gait of the man walking towards her. Cold beads of sweat broke out across her forehead. It couldn't be him, could it?
It was him! That smirk on his thin lips was too cruel to belong to someone else.
But how could it be? She had killed him years ago!... questions racing through her mind like sting of bees,oh no!
She definitely finished it off,she had made the plan and executed it as best as she could,this thin muscular man did not deserve to walk the same earth as her.
She had to do something and something fast ,like the cheetah in her she fled,ran as fast as her legs could take her but he was after her immediately like a dog chasing a prey.
The people around her had questioning looks on their faces,who would have thought to see a half dressed woman with red black tights,a tight red crossed top,fiery blond hair and heels at hand being chased by a man in a dark coat.
He was catching up to her,just like the Harry Potter books a person who must not be named.The gruesome cruelty and treacherous actions came plodding their way back to her mind,one word,fear!
Fear was washing over her like an unwanted cold shower and all of a sudden she fell,trying to get up ,it was too late.
like a dark shadow of her past he hovered above her,she could hear his hefty respiration ,his breathing thick.The tightness hooked her chest,she was too scared to even breath herself as she tried not to look at the man who had meant everything to her ,who had been her one true love,who she thought was her soul mate ,
oh,but alas wasn't she wrong,it was a mistake to fall for someone like that,she was too helpless,too innocent,too foolish..

"Anastasia"...the words came out raggedy memories of the past flooded back with that name always filled with love and softness then turned to cruelty and disrespect.What is this? this word was now filled with hurt and disbelief .Disbelief? he was the fool to think he was in disbelief to see his killer she thought, he was more in a joyous state because revenge was at his finger tips.
"Anastasia,why dont you turn to look at me? aren't you glad to see me?"
something else filled her mind confusion.Confusion could be the only explanation to what she was feeling, why does he say these words? or could he be a different person? no! she could identify that voice,that charming deep voice even in her sleep.but what could be it,something was wrong and she knew it.
Turning her head ,immediately an eye contact was made ,his eyes ,those greens eyes she once loved and could only compliment on how much it shined like emeralds,his nose,his high bridge tailored nose and those thin lips red and never out of colour,he looked calm?,he looked relieved? he looked worried? she didn't have time for this ,his men could be around she had to leave and never come back here.
Trying to stand up the man extended his hands to help her up,of course she didn't take it,how could she!
pushing his hands away abruptly she cries out "Stay away from me!
I know you think i have wronged you but we both know you deserved it.Your wicked heart should have shrivelled up and died.why are you here?how are you here?? you were meant to be dead agustin!!!!"
she said it.After sooo many years she mentioned that name ,that name who she infact still loves and hates sooo much.crying she looks around,realising they are in a dark alleyway she became scared ,fear once again washed over her,she could not breath,hyperventilating she panicked dropping to floor in hopes of calming her anxious state she passed out. The only words she remembered were agustin holding her and saying how much he wants to be there for her while calling his men so they could take her to the hospital.

The sound of the heart monitor beeped its way as she regained her consciousness,she looked around and found her husband and 8 year old daughter beside her,the two most important people to her.It was all a dream...

© #milialate.4