

The Protocols : Unplanned sins !

The Protocols : Unplanned sins !

Chapter: 2

Colonel Rana watched on with his usual devilish grin... as arundhati walked towards his exclusive mini bar. With his favourite wine filled up already in his glass , he was smiling on the sight of an exclusive breath taking beauty wrapped in pink chiffon saree , partially drenched was giving him the thrill he wanted to enjoy since ages .
he could now have an eyeful of the ethereal beauty who was giving him sights of a walking marijuana.
colonel rana had seen numerous elite beauties but now with each blink of his eyelids he was updating his definitions of feminine class and appeal.
arundhati gave him ample time to scan the roseate vibes she carried with her alluring charm,
the spacious hall was not properly illuminated as the thunder storm outside had enforced a temperory power failure and the invertor was connected to very few light sources.

even in this dimlit ambience Arundhati's glory was epic, beads of rain droplets shone on her hips and arms,even the walls of rana mansion would stirr desires of getting more of her angelic charm.

Arundhati, at the other hand was restless, impatient..each and every inch of her drenched body was shivering to core, her fingers were trembling partially due to the chilling downpour breeze she just negotiated outside, and then the cravings of alchohol kept her mind in a complete chaos .
Most of the wine in Rana's exclusive mini bar were unknown to her , and she realised she cant take enough time to make a selection as she had already announced of her being an experienced campaigner in alcohol to the "protocol" guy , and she randomly picked a bottle which was sealed and looked expensive as well .

She grabbed it and turned back to walk back to the table, colonel rehberr rana was waiting at .

She sat in front again and was staring at the wine bottle which read " screaming eagle ~ 1969 "

" A gentleman takes pride in serving a lady with exclusive wine Mr rana , your protocols doesn't include this common human behaviour?"

Aru , tried to poke his rigidity , to which he chukled in his usual way , and arundhati looked upon .

" have you mentally prepared yourself to invite all troubles in one single night mrs neighbour!!??"

He smiled looking at the bottle she kept on the table, and arundhati looked confused on his statement , her expression said it out loud n clear without going vocal... (what the fuck does he mean by that now!!)

" the wine you selected is a limited edition exclusive one! ,its 54 years old , preserved for special occasions! , tailor made for army men , take my opinion, its not good for you dear lady ! "
Rana wore a straight face and it sounded like a statutory warning about a hazardous consumable.
Arundhati took few seconds and then smiled devilishly .. before she poked him again .

" the man who is so particular about his disciplines, protocols n bla bla bla ... is warning me to not consume a bottle of wine even after me signing a declaration...wow ...!! Im an alchoholic mr rana,,.. i can digest the deadliest of wines like water . It gives me a thrill ,cmon ...hehe do you want me to sign another statement !! I can , you don't have an idea yet ,what kinda woman is sitting in front of you ,its someone who has done the stupidity of writing and signing a bullshit declaration that i am here on my will , i asked you for wine as im craving fr it and i have no stock left with me , its a lockdown outside the premises of this society...and now you are giving me the specifications of the wine you are offering hun... don't spoil the impression of a chivalrous man of strict discipline, you left on me till now .. "

she chukled a bit to sound more confident and gave him dose of his own medicine ..

arundhati ws no more nervous or hesitant, she was getting vibes of a man of principles , which imparted a bit of confidence in her to be herself .

" do army men serve drinks to their guests ,or the women have to serve themselves as per your "protocols" Mr.Rana !!? "

Col. Rana Inturn just smiled and opened the seal of "screaming eagle" and made a strong peg for his craving ,outspoken and fearless guest.

" i was just being a bit generous on you mrs neighbour , briefing you about the exclusive wine , but i like your confidence ,hopefully it remains the same in next few hours"

Rana poured in her glass and slided it towards her .." that was my first and last warning to you , now you are on your own ,mrs neighbour "

Arundhati had done enough of talking, she grabbed the glass and gulped down the first sip slowly and felt the fluids traces into her system ,she could feel each and every droplet travelling through her throat, to the lungs before finally getting settled down somewhere in her belly .

" mmmm this tastes awesome , im proud of my selection mr Rana , you were telling me about this 'screaming eagle' .. im all ears to you ...plz carry onn....."
Rana was watching her animated gestures , her excitement was worth enjoying from his end .

" the koreans imported this wine during first world war , they were very fond of 'screaming eagle' , its made with African aphrodisiac as its main ingredient , it starts sparkling the carnal harmones and stimulates ones sexual drive manifolds.. it is advised to take it not more than 2 pegs at a time , the overdose might be very dangerous."

Rd explained with a straight face and arundhati heard with patience before giggling and laughing on the aphrodisiac mention .

" hahahahahah , african aphrodisiac lol ,sounds interesting, don't worry ,my capacity to deal with the alchohol and temptations of sexual drive both are well in my control,and even if it works on me ,i know how to manage myself , can you please fill in more for me ...."

Rana poured in for another glass with a light grin on his face.

" you would need energy to fight with this aphrodisiac, hope you are done with your dinner ! , empty stomach is not advised before you have this ... "

Rd passed another concern at her in soft tone.

" Colonel sahb, why dont we just enjoy our drinks, can you pelase stop treating me as an amateur! , i was craving this whole day , there is no maid in this fuc**g lockdown , and there was no mood either .. yeah ..im hungry , if you have any protocols for food as well ,lemme know ...( winked)...he he "

Arundhati didn't realise when she started teasing the man to whom she was strangers with until few mins ago , it was her nature to be open minded ,candid and flamboyant... specially on drinks she was always this notty kinky types, but she had rarely done that with anyone apart from her husband vineet.

She was blinking more than normal by now , probably the "screaming eagle"has started to work its magic slowly !

Rana just kept smiling on her giggles , may be he knew who was gonna have the last laugh.

" i will get you something to eat mrs neighbour..."
he stood up to walk to the kitchen and thats when she reverted back...

" i think i told you my name , its arundhati .. you should follow few protocols set by society as well , when you know someone's name you better call her/him by that ..."

Arundhati was making sure she made best use of all opportunities she got , the 'protocol' thing was ruling her mind .. just like the screaming eagle which she was loving to core . She had started to breathe heavy , a pleasant warmth was infused in her system , she had stopped feeling the chill of the weather .. her head was showing her all the colors existed in the planet, she was smiling more than usual . Rana walked in to the kitchen without responding to her remarks ...

Arundhati meanwhile perched back on the couch like a boss .. but she had started to realise , the exclusive wine was getting better of her resistance.. she was still in her senses which said to her (" you have spoken a bit too much about your expertise , aru ... how the hell are you gonna hide your status from him ..")

Her glass still was half full , her trembling hands picked it up and she took another sip ... " oh gosh ,was he serious ... why the fck im getting aroused for no reasons......"

She closed her eyes and tried to breathe normal, her lips left gasps as if she was being forplayed at her heavenly cavern by an experienced man , she gripped the hand rest of the sofa firmly as if she had clinched the bare chest of her husband vineet while he thrusted with all his strength in the craziest of their love making sessions , her heart beats were knocking her tight body-hugged blouse harder by now .. the fight with her own wishes were still on , her conscious part said , get up and leave,you cant deal with this while her subconscious self was smiling , and caressing her as if it said .. " this is what you were missing , the thrill, the excitement, the feel of alchohol is getting you wild arundhati, look at the man , his chivalry, his aura , his firm rough manly voice , his piercing sharp gaze on your tender soft skin ...

" i made chicken for myself , but its enough for two .. i guess.. "

The same rough manly dominant voice broke her chain of thaughts and she was forced to get back from her reverie ...she opened her eyes and found Colonel Rana placing a plate full of chicken masala beside her half filled glass of "screaming eagle"

She wanted to scream at him , blame him , make noise ,show tantrums for no reasons which she always did with vineet , but then she realised , he had not done or said a single thing to her discomfort. She herself wanted to borrow wine , he warned her about the deadly dangerous bottle she chose , he had warned her on each step she took...,he even took her sarcastic remarks with patience and smiles too so far and he seemed to be a no non sense man, she just cdnt escape his charm .....

" are you alright, arundhati kashyap ! , its been entire 1 minute and you havent said a word... hehe ...."
Rana could assume , she was fighting the effects of screaming eagle .. her eyes ,her partially opened lips , her panting twin assets said it all ..
arundhati picked up the chicken and had a mouth full of bite as if she was hungry since ages ... it was tasty and she felt like eating all she was offered ... her forehead had beads of sweat floating by now .. her skin had goosebumps which were prominent enough for anyone to notice.

" this wine is something i have never had , im feeling dizzy ,may be because i havent eaten much since morning... and..."

" no , thats not the case ,you shd be honest arundhati kashyap .... "

Rana intervened her midway abruptly...

"The aphrodisiac from jungles of africa is working on you . You're not dizzy.... you are high in libido, your blood is having a pace of a bullet in your veins .. your skin is feeling a sensation of different kind , like never before ... dont hide your helplessness mrs kashyap "

His words hit straight to her senses , she gasped instanly on that straightforwardness , the man had no inhibitions in speaking out the blunt truth... something which vineet never possessed , even if she was not drunk, colonel rana's rough charm wd have aroused her like hell ..

" no there is nothing like that okay , you cant be a dictator here ... im not aroused ,just high on alchohol....hhhh hhh "

She reverted back and tried to turn his gaze and words down at her .. and continued to eat in a hurry ...

"Look at yourself dear lady , your goosebumps, your breathless lips ... your poking nipples .... check your nips ... if they arent aroused yet ..i wd lose and you win ... i will do whatever yoh will say ... "

Rana , knew what he was doing , making things tougher for her ... arundhati was stunned on his boldness , he was looking at her like a controlled predator.

She literally bent her head down , having her eyes on her chest .. her nipples poked her thin blouse as if the blouse never existed , she was shocked to see , her pallu was not at its place and she was busy eating.. this man had caught her in the middle of the arena , and she found no ways to escape . Her hands were engaged in the chicken and she continued to eat .. she realised how quickly she ws gonna lose the battle to him ... she had already eaten 2 huge pieces of chicken limbs and she laid back with some strenth ... looking at him ... she wanted to tell him he is the most influencial and hottest guy she has ever seen , his voice first and thn his authority in his words were driving her crazy , she wanted to tell him how badly she wanted to get manhandled by someone of his type but she remained silent , and let her eyes scream at him ...
" i need to leave now ... you were right its too much fr me ,this amazingly intoxicating screaming eagle....." she fumbled a bit on the last statement..

"I thaught you are a bold woman who knows what she is doing and saying , i thaught you are honest enough to confess the truth .. "

Rana provoked her and tested her resilience badly ..

" yes i am , this wine is a magic , im aroused like hell , my mind and my body is not in my control i was wrong i cdnt take this thing .. if i stay here i might lose all control i have on myself .. so please stop teasing me now ... your eyes and words are piercing my soul colonel , your persona is driving me crazyy... ... " ( fckk..stop it .. stop it ..aru. you are not supposed to say that...) her conscious mind warned on her helpless confessions..

" i know that well arundhanti, 2 glasses of screaming eagle is more than enough for a men as well , you have taken 2 and half already , i need to tell you more about it .. you might get rid of the dizziness by tomorrow but that rise in libido is uncomfortable... its like a high dose of protien , unless you work out it cant be neutralised .. "

Arundhati stood up in desperation ... " i don't want to know anything further, i will take shower and it will be fine ... "
Arundhati continued her never say die spirit...to which rd reverted back instantly..

Your skin doesn't need water , it will further ignite your hunger mrs kashyap , the only antidote for the aphrodisiac runnjng in your blood is erotic anger ... your body needs to be gripped , thrashed and manhandled by a rough bull , your mind ,your body your senses needs to be diverted constantly from the effects of screaming eagle ...."

Things had changed by now , colonel Rana was suddenly defining terms and arundhati was at the receiving end with feeble protest attempts, all of them had failed untill now ...
She just realised walking upto here to get rid of her cravings has only added to her woes ... instead of relieving her .. and the kind of cravings she was negotiating right now was actually beyond her control and resistance... she closed her eyes ... and said gasping her breath out ...

" i wana get back to my normal state colonel...and i know what all do you mean ...im not a kid .. so just tell me what do i need to do , what do you want..cmon ..speak it out when you have spoken so much already... im.... ready ... to hear you ...."

Rana stood up and walked closer to her .. at her back .. his lips went closerr to her ears and he wispered ...softly ...

" only a beast of my kind can handle the monster roaring inside your mind ..arundhati ... i like wild cats like you, who are tough to handle , who are confident of their beauty and charm..i love to make the wild cat surrender you know .. i can heal you within few hours
, but for that i have diffrent "protocols",

I want the wild cat to come crawling to me on her four ... with her wild intentions visible in her eyes ... you can still walk out of all this...if you want..."

Arundhati kind of knew what was going to happen she wanted to get out of this but , with this rising carnal fury, the frustration of her loneliness, the anger on vineet and his absence when she needs him the most, she just went feeble in her attitude and protest !!

.. the thaughts of her walking on her four on the floor , in that saree ....left her inner thighs moist..and the soft whispering of his lips in her ears kinda tickled her clits badly ...

She didnt say a word .. and bent on the table instead , picked up the glass of "screaming eagle" again and gulped down the rest half of it... in one go ...and kept it back empty....

" you have whole night, do whatever you can ... i can t handle your screaming eagle anymore colonel rehberr rana "

She turned back to face him ...standing eye to eye with full confidence and fumbled tone .. she raised her hand and let the pallu go off her chest ,kissing the floor .. her milky fair skin sparkled in the eyeballs of colonel roohdaarrr..."

---------To be continued..............
© Rehberr-rana