

Quiets Child
Darkness permeated the sky like smoke from the angriest wildfire to ever burn. Daylight was now quickly becoming a frightful night. Tendrils of dread grasped the heart of everyone. Fear unmatched seeped in from everywhere. Clawing at their faces and screaming, people instantly felt grief and betrayal. N actions began launching weapons at each other in fury markets whipsawed, citizens globally we're attacking each other like rabid animals.
The global chaos unfolded as they cursed the memory of the boy at the center of this. That evil boy. Exactly six hundred and sixty-six days ago. A boy showed up on the doorstep of the world. Dressed in simple clothes, saying nothing. Most learned very quickly, the boy was mute. His tan skin, big brown eyes, and feeble appearance was so disarming. Yet, anytime anyone was in the presence of this child, an overwhelming feeling of peace was felt.
What usually would have happened in the sense of a boy showing up out of nowhere happened. Only, anyone who came into contact with the child quickly set about on their own private mission. Most people just wept profusely around the boy. Some curiously retrieved special instruction to serve him. All the while, the boy kept a stoic expression. Never as much as looking at anyone. Never uttering a sound or word.
The speed at which the world learned of this boy was unprecedented. Nearly 48 hours after the boy was whisked away, a news report of the extraordinary child we're everywhere. In the years that passed, the world did undergo drastic changes. Not long after his arrival, all middle east conflicts ended. What were more bizarre, most middle east nations effectively formed one nation? Conflict worldwide appeared to simply cease.
An immediate abundance swept the world. Plans to consolidate and destroy the world's nuclear weapons were discussed. The boy was present through all of this. He was worshiped nothing short of a living God. His face was plastered on everything. People stopped celebrating Christmas in the west. A new holiday was formed. His arrival night was now marked by global festivals.
There were those who did not see the child as the savior of mankind. At first, they were more of an internet fringe. They asked questions like, "why is he here?" "Why is everyone enamored with him?" Most people simply ignored these groups. As they grew in number, world resources became utilized to ferret these naysayers out. There were places these nonbelievers ended up in. At least that's what the rumor was. Nobody had actually seen the places talked about.
The majority of people seemed not to wonder why a boy with such gifts didn't speak. It was assumed he would never speak. What a foolish assumption that was. The world had placed him at the pulpit, nation upon nation, man and woman, animal and child, prayed faithfully in the pews.
Agatha, the first to come in contact sat by the boy's side in Turkey. World leaders, we're all present. Launch of a new technology that allowed you to immediately be in touch with the child was just about to go live. The tech was inspired by the boy. All would receive a new eye. The eye somehow allowed you to see and be with the boy no matter where you were. It was a huge undertaking. Governments across the world threw everything behind it.
Now it was time to turn it on. Most simply just waited or prayed to the boy. He always seemed to give the right answers. Finally, the boy rose from his ornate chair. He walked the 10 steps to the switch that would activate everyone's new eye. Standing over the console, he flipped the switch. At the very same time, he spoke for the first time, everyone heard him.

© Rising Darkstar