

Walk On Letters
Lying on my bed while typing some words to send to you.You didn't know how long I've prayed and waited to meet you.After all, I'm still excited to see your face,to hold your hands and feel your embrace.
I was inside our classroom that time ,doing some activities told by our teacher.We are said to write a poem regarding "unconditional love".Not thinking what are the words to use and where to start, I just accepted the challenge.A few moments later, one of my classmate's phone rang and after seeing it,she laughed but is afraid of something.She said that one of our classmate,also inside our room,sent her a photo of her with a tall,old man sitting beside her.As I look at her side, I didn't see a thing,but when I look at my chair,someone's sitting there.A tall,old man with a long gray curly hair was there.I can't see his face,only his back.I didn't even mind it at all, I just focused on the topic of my poem.Suddenly there's something came to my mind.God's love is an unconditional love.He has the highest form of love,he alone.So, as I write this letter,I am thinking of you.I dedicate this for you,for have visited me in my dreams,Oh King,my Master God.
© Windy D.