

not fair
its not fair that I'm alone , lost my innerself before it was found . I should have never been allowed to leave they should of been better but clearly they pick unaware.

I'm not safe I'm legit sick as all hell and dying. inside im diseased and crying all full of shit dirt and bugs , I'm in need of solid hugs , if it was forever because one hug won't do shit. and on top of it all i altered my DNA to be litt and not sleepy but that drug is still around I'm falling asleep right now.

someone used to be following me I can't sense them now am I finally free or is there more to see... don't say they got to me and did whatever until I wasn't me.... I hope it was all you what I see down here or there is something wrong as phuck and i can't tell them and I'm and no help. allninbeen doing is drugs altering my DNA to sleep and it still works when this isn't a body so that's good if there was any.

I am confused I think and possessed now for real , not the only one so maybe me and the other can get together , the more the merrier and that would help bring true evil right I know evil is hungry so more would be good. and its not like good can happen so they probably wont , but I hope for this very much and change my every prayer to that.

I've noticed something crawling in and out of me but it won't let me find it and truthfully indot want to since I never put it in and I wasn't apart of it so I have that feeling of betrayel plus it could infect me outside then I'm over. as long as its inside I can move out here unless it attacks me then I'm falling down and I might not get back up odds r I won't. but I'm not me the plan where it all worked , I'm not even up enough to fallnim too low I'm jumping and that never helped me either other than fun on the trampoline .

I hope all this infection was from the good people and they will keep me forvevrr or I'm staying with you and running after you , which I can't but I will try. I'm not ready to leave life. I like drugs and sex and art and technology and I like being alone in safe places. but I don't want to know this other stuff or language it makes me started and awake more than unknown and sleepy ... like a retards language woield make you unaware this dosnt .

I just want to keep my happy thoughts and preacher god or some figure that's good for the rest of my time if I'm not alone. I don't want to be changed from this religion to no religion. what will I be after I wake up from being shot or if I'm down then no religion I knew all this as haunting and have 2 languages at me then.
lucky me I guess. stillbibsay the more the merrier.
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