

Same Suffering Different Times
There were others related to me who suffered the same fate as I did and even though I was not present or alive during the time of their suffering; I for some reason feel as if I was right there with them from the beginning; all the way to the end. Everything that has already happened to me and everything that I am currently dealing with at this moment is exactly what they experienced!! Their life is my life!! The only difference between me and them is that I got lucky and I ended up finding out what was going on before it was too late. They never had the luxury of knowing while they were living but in the afterlife; the truth was finally revealed to them. God used me as a vessel to awaken the blind sheeps and to bring the facts to the forefront. At first I was clueless like they were!! Neither of us knew right off the bat that number one: A curse was casted on us! Number two: An evil force that we couldn't see was responsible for making us undergo a prolonged cycle of lack and misfortune. Nothing we tried to do to accomplish something good for ourselves has ever worked out like we wanted it to and everyone around us made it seem as if something was wrong with us or that it was our fault for being unsuccessful. Plus they called us lazy and a freeloader! Number three: The reason why we often threw up, felt sick, and had all sorts of physical health issues was because toxic substances were being put inside of the food that was cooked for us and given to us by our relatives and people outside of our family; such as friends, partners, and etc!! Number four: We were secretly being recorded 24 hours a day and were surrounded by hidden cameras!!! What we did and what we said was documented every second and was used against us!!! Number five: Every person we dated, married, and had sexual contact with was either Lucifer in the flesh; posing as a random person or was one of the males and females down the family line that were evil and was once alive a long time ago but reincarnated themselves into a different new life form and came into our lives to rape us and reproduce with us.... Just like they posed as everyone else we have ever met and known! Our teachers, our classmates, our therapists, our counselors, our bosses at work, our coworkers, our friends, the strangers on social media that messaged us, and etc!! It was them all along. They escaped from hell in which they were sent when they died and was reborn in our generation. #similar #samefate #reoccur #reoccurring #overandoveragain #sameexperiences #againandagain #incommon #alike #generationalsuffering
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