

It goes by very fast! Go forth.
Its the 21st century, we all know that, I know that!. Things go by a bit too fast that we don't know really know how fast we are going. It's so fast that we passed by people on the way without even noticing that we know them. It is so fast that we don't notice that the people we used to cling onto for help passed away two years ago or the person we dated or we are currently dating is getting married in a few hours. Life has to go on!At least grant me this one wish for it to stop for a few minutes before it continues. And it stopped. It stopped!Everything froze in place as well as time. I took everything out of my head and placed it in the hands of my Mama who was frozen at my side. Guess what!I had nothing! Of course I had nothing because it is in my Mamas hands but even if i put it back in my head I couldn't even do anything. I couldn't do anything if life is frozen. Time stopped and it was unlucky for me because I couldn't go back and forth in time to change or to see what awaits me in the future. All I did was standing there looking around and wishing again that everything would stop freezing all at once. And it did! it slowly turned from being stucked to it's normal ongoing fast rate. Time started to tick again at a beat I couldn't keep up. I slowly got away from where I was standing and started to live life paying forward because even if life stops. Keep going forward, forget the past. I tell you if you go back to correct one mistake that's equivalent to many good things waiting to be made.
#Life#Pay it forward