

heartland: Amy Fleming
Chris lives on heartland ranch, on a clear sunny day not cold and not too hot just right. Chris fleming walks around, nobody at the at the ranch and chris walks to the round pen. Suddenly Georgie swings and missing chris, he wallops Georgie she falls down for the count, with his right hook. He made it to the round pen he entered the round pen he closes and locked it. Chris hears a eerie disturbed sound, and he turns he rasied his eyebrows and said oh no not her again. She bares her teeth closed. Her nose is wrinkled and staring with evil eyes her eyebrows are lowered. She is making grunting,growling and snarling noises. She is digging her finger tips in the dirt. He seeing 2 both ropes on her back, her name is amy fleming. She has her long flowing smooth straight hair is down. Chris is on her back, Amy Fleming is aggressively stomping,she is digging in the dirt with her finger tips. Amy is aggressively bursts of burning anger,aggression,violently and bucking around the the round pen and amy is throwing and kicks the dirt in the air aggressively. She is trying to aggressively throwing chris off her back. Chris stays on her back like a postage stamp!.