

What Happened??-Part 1.
The painting was yellowed with rounded edges. It was a masterpiece and it was lying in my hand. Wait, have I stolen it? I don't remember...
"What happened?", one of my closest friends, Joseph, asked. How did we get here. Why can't I seem to remember anything, I aked myself.
We where trapped inside a warehouse, with no clue on how we got inside. To think of it, this warehouse was actually an art gallery. As we tried to figure out what had happened and how we got inside the gallery, we heard loud sirens outside the gallery. "We are going to jail!", Joseph exclaimed.
With the painting still in my hand, I looked at Joseph. He was carrying a black backpack which looked like a container. I said to him,"open that backpack". What was inside the backpack shocked my eyes...

~What Happened Part 1
~Part 2. Coming Soon
~All Rights Reserved.