

Guess the right one
Hello, everyone
hope you are good ,I am here to share 3 facts about me !
Really ,No !
it's not that easy to share 3 facts at a time.
so let's play a guess game
what do you say?
shall we proceed !
ok so I will share three facts
out of 2/3are false statements
and any one among those three is the truth.
so R u ready to find the truth
ok 3 facts are !oh no not three facts
it's your turn to guess the fact.

1.I am allergic to mangoes
2.I hate talking
3.I am a good singer.

so quite easy isn't to guess the truth
so let's get started share your answers
In comment section ,let me know what you think about me or know about me.

@Hidden_Writer thank you for this wonderful challenge

📌 Winners will be declared tomorrow.
📌sorry I can't reply to your comments as part of challenge
📌Do share your thoughts by participating in this challenge.
so I think I already made this messy .
So. I'm ending here and waiting for your answers .
© saధना🖌️