

the legend of the Silver Phantom behemoth metatron torrent
so after Brandon adsorbed Lucifer he turned him into an anti superhero and his name is the silver Phantom behemoth metatron torrent so Brandon has to control him until he get help from our Angel Michael till then Lucifer Hitch Man in hell took over the throne until he earns his way back so Brandon being one with him to use his powers to defeat his armies so the gates of hell was open in Brandon multiverse universe so Brandon summons all three of his brothers and rican havoc Pablo with Joel he also summoned his guardian Angels Amanda Irene Parker Kylie Rose Cicero and Jade also his Queen and he also summons his father super lou the iron fist and his mom Miss Jones then his sister diane then to Armageddon begin any doctors came then Brandon multiverse universe collide with the future Earth hell was raising everywhere and the ET parasite attached itself to Brandon turning him to an ET prototype weapon then the archangel Michael said I see you have Lucifer learning to be good under your control turning him into an anti-hero for now good job my angels will join you in this war then they all fall until Brandon tournament then they all agreed then they started to battle while Brandon was sitting on the throne Brandon team and the evil forces was fighting all over the cities in the world and in the farmlands to the deserts then the ET and the angels fought all the demons and fallen Angels then cast them back to hell and the abyss then the archangel went to Brandon throne to face him and Lucifer was scared so he became Satan then they battled they took the fight to the cosmos and he turned to the seven headed red silver Violet lavender lion wolf dragon Griffin and they archangel Michael said what the hell then he said Brandon if you're in their hold on I will get him out of you then the dragon made in meteor shower hit them and blew up the whole galaxy with his move supernova then they took the fight to void then all the Angels came and they battled and archangel Michael prayed to Christ and God with the holy Spirit and the holy Spirit came and cast the Lucifer out of Brandon then the angel abandoned with the keys to the Pitt county and Brandon multiverse and universe was safe again everything back to normal till there is another threat the end saga continue novel by Brandon Louis Jones AKA breezy Jones
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